This is the simplest output format available in EcoPlots. It contains all basic information about datasets, sites, visits and ecological observations in a bunch of CSV files.
No further data filtering, cleaning or processing is necessary. Data is ready to be analysed using any tool or programming language as R or Python.
Data is organised in different CSV files according to the Feature of interest selected in the filters.
Space Index
0-9 |
AAccess TERN data from within CoESRAThere are several ways to access TERN data directly within the CoESRA virtual desktop. Navigate to your home drive and open the “public_share_data” folder. Within the “public_share_data” folder there will be a ‘TERN_Data_Store’ folder that contains variou
Accessing and Exporting Data
There are several options to access and export data from the TDDP, depending on what data is desired. These include: Exporting search results
Additional Resources
The TDDP also allows users to find specific datasets related to particular infrastructure or Long Term Ecological Studies (LTES). Accessing these datasets can be done via the search page, or via the specific options within the Resources menu (next to the
Airborne Digital Photography, Gulf of Carpentaria, 2017
In August/September 2017, digital aerial photography at 12.5 cm were captured at the same time as airborne LIDAR data along a nominal 1 km strip along the coastline of the Gulf of Carpentaria that extended from Groote Eytland (Queensland) through to Weipa
Airborne LIDAR, Gulf of Carpentaria, 2017
In August/September 2017, small footprint discrete return airborne LIDAR data were acquired alongside digital aerial imagery along a nominal 1 km strip along the coastline of the Gulf of Carpentaria that extended from Groote Eylandt, NT through to Weipa,
As a contribution to an Australian Mangrove Monitoring System, a system for generating historical and near real time alerts is being developed, with this based on time-series comparison of environmental variables retrieved from radar, optical and lidar sp
Ancillary images are interesting images of the site, for example Flora, Fauna, Fungi or General images Use the following directory pattern to upload your images (full path): /<site_name>/Data/EcoImages/Ancillary/<plot>/<ancillary_type>/ e.g. /AliceMulga/D
Some potential uses of AusPlots Data and Samples include: Isotopic or genetic analysis of soil and plant samples Classification of vegetation types Validation of remotely sensed ground cover data (e.g. fractional cover) Species presence/absence for traini
Applications within CoESRA
AusPlots Methods To enable consistent ecological monitoring and assessment across plots, standardised data collection methods were specifically developed for TERN's Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring program. Collectively these set of data collection methods are referred t
AusPlots Rangelands Manual v1.2.9
AusPlots Rangelands Survey Protocols Manual Version 1.2.9, 2012 Authors: Andrew White, Ben Sparrow, Emrys Leitch, Jeff Foulkes, Rick Flitton, Andrew J. Lowe and Stefan Caddy-Retalic Publisher: The University of Adelaide Press PDF resource: https://w3id.or
Australian Plant Biomass Library - Mangrove Component
Persistent URL TERN's Australian Plant Biomass Library (APBL) is a collation of stem inventory data across federal, state a
Available tools in CoESRA
When using the CoESRA virtual desktop, you can access the following applications: Programming Environments: Jupyter Notebook RStudio VSCode Data Tools: Biodiverse OpenRefine Panoply QGIS and QGIS Browser nodeodm (in the Drone Workbench folder of GPU deskt
Available upload methods for TERN Data
This page provides information on the different ways to upload data for data providers into the TERN Data repository. Data can be uploaded using a Web Interface or upload tools like RClone, FileZilla (FTP) and Cyberduck (FTP). To upload data to UQRDM, fol
BBasal Area data: 'basal_area' functionThe 'basal_area' function in the 'ausplotsR' package calculates the Basal Area or Mean Number of Basal Wedge Hits of plots using the raw basal wedge data returned by the 'get_ausplots' function also in the 'ausplotsR' package. The basal_area function has
Bat Acoustic Data Submission Instructions
TERN is publishing bat acoustic files and call information for further reuse. These datasets will be made discoverable from TERN infrastructure for the wider use of the bat acoustic community. The flowchart below explains the bat acoustic data publication
CCauses and ConsequencesIn all cases, changes in mangroves have a cause and there is a consequence. This section of the TERN Mangrove Data Portal aims to identify causes and consequences and provide links or data that can assist scientific investigations. Primary event/process A
CoESRA Applications FAQ
What web browser is available within the CoESRA virtual desktop? Only Firefox is available as part of the virtual desktop platform. How can I request a new software application to become available within the CoESRA virtual desktop? Please contact esupport
CoESRA Features
The virtual desktop Operating System The CoESRA virtual desktop environment runs Rocky Linux on the CPU node and Ubuntu Linux on the GPU node. Secure Socket Shell (SSH) access Once logged into the CoESRA web portal, access SSH mode from the dashboard as ‘
Collaborating in CoESRA
Combine single-layer rasters (RasterLayer objects) into a multi-layer raster (RasterBrick/RasterStack object) In addition than to create multi-layer rasters from files, the functions stack and brick can also be used to create multi-layer rasters (RasterBrick object) from single layer rasters (RasterLayer objects). EXAMPLE Below an example where two single layers
Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data, Kakadu National Park, NT
This data set consists of a three files (.pix format with a .hdr readable in, for example, ENVI and QGIS) containing 11 bands of 1 m spatial resolution Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data. The georeferencing and other information on image d
Contributions to an Australian Mangrove Monitoring System
MangroveMonitoringSummary.png The need for a mangrove monitoring system for Australia was highlighted by the 2015/2016 dieback event across the northern coastline which has resulted in the mortality of over 7000 ha of mangroves (Duke et al., 2017) over a
Coordinate Reference Systems (CRSs) in Rasters
A Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) is a coordinate-based scheme use to locate entities in geographical space. It is an essential aspect of spatial data. CRS can be stored in many different formats. The most common formats are: 4:the default output from
Cover-related Remote Sensing Data Products
Disentangling the Cover-related Concepts Cover data products provide measures of the proportions of a surface area covered/occupied by distinct ‘classes of cover’. Depending on the ‘classes of cover’ considered and the particular ‘layer’ of the surface
Create and Use API Key to Access TERN Data Services
Purpose The API key is used to connect to TERN API endpoints from the user’s custom applications (or by using simple tools such as Curl, or WGET, or any of the TERN API Swagger Dashboards) to get/downloa
Crop (spatially subset) rasters to an area
To subset the extent of a raster to a desired area, we use the 'crop' function in the 'raster' package. This is the most commonly used function to modify the extent of a raster object. The raster function takes two main arguments: (1) a Raster* object (or
DDaily Air TemperatureDisclaimer: This page is a copy of the record for the BOM AGCD dataset once held by TERN AusCover. It may contain outdated information. Users should verify any key information with the BOM. Links Name Link Main page and metadata
Daily Air Water Vapour Pressure
Disclaimer: This page is a copy of the record for the BOM AGCD dataset once held by TERN AusCover. It may contain outdated information. Users should verify any key information with the BOM. Links Name Link Main page and metadata
Daily Rain Gauge Precipitation
Disclaimer: This page is a copy of the record for the BOM AGCD dataset once held by TERN AusCover. It may contain outdated information. Users should verify any key information with the BOM. Links Name Link Main page and metadata
Daily Solar Radiation (Global Horizontal Exposure)
Disclaimer: This page is a copy of the record for the BOM AGCD dataset once held by TERN AusCover. It may contain outdated information. Users should verify any key information with the BOM. Links Name Link Main page and metadata
Data Analysis in CoESRA
Data and Metadata submission to SHaRED This page provides an overview of submitting metadata and data to the TERN Data Portal using the SHaRED Data Submission Tool. Before you start look at the TERN data submission and publication workflow below to learn more about the processes collate the in
Data endpoints - datasources and datasets
Datasources and datasets occupy the highest levels of the TERN EcoPlots data hierarchy. All information in EcoPlots belongs to one or multiple datasources. That main datasource may also be further subset into one or more datasets (that may also be referre
Data endpoints - observations
All ecological measurements (plant height, animal count, soil pH, air temperature) in Ecoplots are represented as observations. Observations can also have additional attributes. An example of an attribute would be an “angle count point name”, but not all
Data endpoints - sites and site visits
Sites and SiteVisits EcoPlots is primarily concerned with data collected in survey plots across Australia. The core information accessible is about Sites and SiteVisits. (TERN’s LinkedData s
Data publication process at TERN
Following is the high-level workflow to submit and publish data at TERN. Figure: High-level workflow for data submission and publication shared.png The following tools are used during data publication: TERN SHaRED User Guide TERN Data Discovery Portal (TD
Digital Earth Australia
Digital Earth Australia (DEA) DEA_banner.png Annual maps of mangrove extent by canopy cover type (open woodland, open and closed) are available for 1986 to 2016 at 25 m spatial resolution and Australia-wide. The maps are derived from the time-series of La
Discovery endpoints
Discovery endpoints help to retrieve all the possible values of specific variables within EcoPlots (such as datasources, regions, parameters, FOI, etc). You can easily find the desired values to be used in your queries. You can retrieve values from: "regi
Do I need to login to access TERN helpdesk?
To engage with the TERN Helpdesk, registration and login is NOT required. You will need to provide an active email to raise a support request/ticket where the updates(request related) can be shared. To view the request online, you will have to login to th
Do I need to login to access the TERN helpdesk knowledge base?
No, registration and login is not required to access TERN helpdesk knowledge base.
Do I need to login to raise a support request/ticket?
No, No registration and login is required to raise a support request/ticket. However, you need to provide an active email address to receive the updates on support request/ticket.
Downloading Data in EcoPlots
When the user is satisfied with the results generated from the search, click the Get Data button image-20240313-030955.png at the top of the Filter panel on the Search page to initiate the package request. Sign
Drone aerial imagery, Kakadu National Park, NT
Link to the data This data set consists of a aerial photographs (RGB) taken from a micasense sensor on board a Swampfox X5 fixed wing RPA and also from an CESSNA aircraft. Details of each image are provided in 'file.attributes'. DroneDataKakaduNP.png Abst
Drone data - data publication pathways
Drone Data Publication - Getting Ready *This list is aimed at being a guide for a typical drone flight, this is not an exhaustive list and metadata requirements may vary depending on the aims of a drone exercise. Digital files Orthomosaic A photogrammetrically orthorectified image product mosa
Drone Data Publishing Workflow
List of Layers uas_surveillance Workflow description workflow diagram All drone data will initially be uploaded by external users to Q4647 held by QRIScloud. For details on uploading data to Q4647 using Grid
EEcoImages Portal Home Page - OverviewThis is the landing page for the TERN EcoImages Portal. image-20211130-000730.png Navigation The following portal navigation options are available for the site prior to authentication: EcoimagesNav.png The following portal navigation options are available
EcoImages search page - overview
Search page The Search page allows the user to select the required images. These images can be filtered through a series of criteria. The images are then rendered on the main section of the Search page Search page components The image below displays the v
EcoPlots API
The EcoPlots API (application programming interface) provides machine-readable search and download endpoints to support the discovery and access of ecological plot data. The EcoPlots API feeds directly from the most updated available version of the differ
EcoPlots API - autogenerating queries
The easiest method to create queries for use in API requests is by building the query through the EcoPlots Portal This method allows users to build a query visually and dynamically. The API code generator tool generate
EcoPlots API - creating data queries request bodies
Request Body All the fields in dataqueries request body are similar to EcoPlots API search queries except for "exact_match" field under the "query". To review the more general information about constructing search queries, see EcoPlots API - creating sear
EcoPlots API - creating search queries
Search queries can be created manually or by building a query using the query generator within the EcoPlots portal search page. Search queries are independent of the tools that are used for sending the query request. For example, the same query body can b
EcoPlots API - data queries
Dataqueries are different to queries - they are specifically designed to retrieve data from EcoPlots filtering data based on specified species. The dataqueries endpoints are an integral part of EcoPlots API, and are intended to facilitate efficient queryi
EcoPlots API - dataqueries request endpoints
Similar to the other types of EcoPlots API endpoints, requests can be used with a request written in cURL, python, postman, R, or another programming language. The "status": 200 message at the end of the response body means that the search has run success
EcoPlots API - example search queries
Example API searches for specific data This section shows some examples of API search queries for datasets with specific parameters. There are many more parameters that can be searched, please refer to the TERN vocabularies
EcoPlots API endpoints
EcoPlots API endpoints support the download of survey-based ecological data. For this purpose, a series of endpoints are available to allow users to download subsets of the data that is available. Each endpoint has its own sub-section containing examples.
Ecoplots API Query Dashboard
This section will cover the EcoPlots API Dashboard (EcoPlots API Query Dashboard and will run through examples of how to use the dashboard to extract and visualise data. The API Dashboard is another way that users c
EcoPlots API request response/output formats
The Ecoplots API returns ready-to-use structured data in either a CSV or a NDJSON (aka jsonlines) format within the commandline interface. Every row/line is an independent entity (i.e., observation, site, sitevisit, attribute, taxon, et
EcoPlots API- paginating results
The EcoPlots API allows users to paginate their data request so they can quickly retrieve small chunks of data. This is great way to discover what data is available, to inspect the shape of the response, and to adjust the desired query to narrow the resul
EcoPlots CSV output Description
This output format is the most used in EcoPlots. The file contains all the information about the sites, visits and ecological observations related to features of interest. The data in each CSV is grouped according to the Feature of interest selected with
EcoPlots Downloads
When a dataset is requested from EcoPlots via the search interface, EcoPlots creates a downloadable package based on user selection. Users can select multiple output formats, including CSV, GeoJSON, and TERN Ontology CSV. Data and associated metadata are
EcoPlots GeoJSON output Description
EcoPlots provides data download in GeoJSON ( ) format. GeoJSON is a file format used to encode geographic data structures using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). T
EcoPlots Portal Overview
The following flowchart shows the process of using the EcoPlots portal. Users DO NOT need to be signed in to search for data, but they DO need to sign in to download the data results from their search. Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 2.00.08 pm.png In the naviga
Ecosystem Disturbance Index
The Disturbance Index (DI; Mildrexler et al. 2007) combines estimates of LST and EVI to create an index that can be used to detect the timing, location and magnitude of major ecosystem disturbances. The DI can be used to detect disturbance such as wildfir
Environmental Datasets
Australia has approximately 35,500 km of coastline, large sections of which are occupied by mangroves particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions. The distribution and characteristics of mangroves is controlled primarily by climate, the geomorpho
EP Images data Upload Guidelines for EcoImages
These instructions details how to upload EcoImages using the UQRDM. Please note these general points: Uploading raw unprocessed images is strongly encouraged Uploading processed images is strongly discouraged (e.g. resized images, images containing charts
Example Data Searches in EcoPlots
Examples of finding data This section gives specific use cases for three different ecological projects. Example One - Biomass of Eucalypts We want to find out what data is available on EcoPlots for the above-ground biomass of eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) i
Existing Mangrove Maps
The following provides a summary of the different mangrove datasets Location Data Remote Sensing Data Resolution Year Reference Statewide Mangrove Extent Orthophotos < 1m Various Location Data Remote Sensing Data Resolution Year Reference Darwin Harbour M
FFAQ - CoESRA Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Browser do I need to use to access CoESRA? Google_Chrome_icon_(February_2022).svg.png?version=1&modificationDate=1686807132928&cacheVersion=1&api=v2 Currently, CoESRA is being tested extensively in the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers. The preferre
FAQs for Data Submission
Field Data Collection Forms AusCover has adopted the use of Open Data Kit (ODK) for the submission of all data to be included in the standard AusCover field data sets. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a suite of software tools designed to enable mobile technology (phones and tablets) to colle
Field Data Collection Protocols
This page contains links to the field data collection protocols and supporting information for all TERN field calibration/validation datasets. Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR data TERN Landscape Assessment worked together with Airborne Research Australia
Field Data Filenaming Convention
The TERN file naming convention, used for instrument files collected in the field, has been adapted from the JRSRP convention, used for satellite data. This documentation is derived from the documentation for that convention. The naming structure is as f
Field Data Management System
This is a brief overview of the TERN and QLD DES field data management system. The details and evolution of this system are well documented in Chapter 3 of the TERN Effective Field Calibration and Validation Practices Handbook
Field Data Overview
Field Calibration/Validation Data This page contains information and resources relating to the collection and management of field data by TERN and the Queensland Department of Environment and Science. For information on how this field data is used to vali
Field Training
Field training courses are run at least once per year. Courses consist of 1 day lectures followed by 3 days of training in the field. In the courses students learn about soils, vegetation, and technical aspects of AusPlots work in a rangeland environment.
File Transfer to CoESRA Virtual Desktop
The File Transfer function within CoESRA allows the easy movement of data between a user’s local computer and the CoESRA virtual desktop. There are two ways to make file transfers: drag and drop and using the File Transfer panel. Drag and Drop Drag the fi
Finding Data using EcoPlots
To access the EcoPlots data search portal, load the TERN EcoPlots webpage on a web browser. TERN recommend using the Google Chrome browser, but should work for all popular browsers. The home page provides further information
Five Point Photopoint
Please upload the original files from the camera. Do not rename or modify the files. Use the following directory pattern to upload your images (full path): /<site_name>/Data/EcoImages/PhotoPoint/plot_id/YYYYMMDD/<position> e.g. /GreatWesternWoodlands/Data
Free Text Searching
Text-based search: From the TDDP Home page, users can enter any text in the search bar to search for relevant TERN data records. Search bar on the TDDP home page image-20241121-013614.png Alternatively, users can also use the free text search box to searc
GGeneral EnquiriesFollowing are the FAQs for General Enquiries
GEOSS Ecosystem Map
Quick links TERN Portal record TERN news article
Getting Started with CoESRA
Portal Overview
Getting started with TERN Account
This is a quick start guide to use the TERN user management system to update users details. Step 1 - Login in Landing Page - image-20220324-035040.png Sign-in to an application using a “Sign in” button. Login
Global Mangrove Watch
Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA’s) Kyoto and Carbon (K&C) Initiative (Rosenqvist et al. 2010) has developed capability for a Global Mangrove Watch (GM
Globus Connect Personal Grid FTP Guide for New User
Overview Globus Connect Personal (GCP) is a small desktop app that turns your desktop, laptop or other pc into a Globus end point. With GCP you can transfer files to or from your laptop or pc. GCP is available for all major operating systems and installs
Gridded Climate Data for Australia
There are at least three gridded surface climate datasets available for Australia. They each use the same underlying BOM weather station data (albeit with possibly different quality controls applied). They differ in the interpolation method used and the v
Groups in CoESRA
In the CoESRA platform, a collaborative group can be created to facilitate research group collaboration to create and access data and analysis. The user who requests the Group will become the owner of the group. They can perform basic administrative tasks
Guidelines for the Surveillance Team: Preparing and Uploading Datasets to the UQRDM
Introduction: This document outlines the protocol for the Surveillance Team on how to correctly upload their datasets to the University of Queensland's Research Data Manager (UQRDM). It underscores the importance of adhering to the prescribed folder struc
Guidelines on upload data using TERN SFTPGo portal
For uploading data using TERN SFTPGo portal, please see
HHemispheric Photography ProtocolHemispherical image taken at Chowilla, South Australia. dchmre14058685e03400221s20120130aa0h0a000h130d000e2.jpg IMPORTANT NOTE: Hemispherical canopy photographs are best collected in diffuse lighting conditions, when the sky is uniformly grey (eg. around
Historical Airborne Data
Aerial photographs have been acquired over mangroves regions in Australia since prior to the 1940s and provide an important historical record of their extent and state, including broad species distributions and donations. From stereo aerial photography, c
Historical Field Data
Over past decades, a large number of field-based measurements have been collected or acquired over mangroves throughout Australia but many remain outside the public domain and often there is no or limited knowledge of their existence. For this reason, TER
How can I login to EcoImages?
Users can login to EcoImages using their institutional credentials via the AAF login or Google Account. TERN do not store user names and passwords. Click on the Sign In button to login to EcoImages.
How can I order the selected images in Ascending or Descending Order?
The images can be sorted based on Ascending or Descending order by selecting the dropdown list in the result menu as shown below SortOrder.pngSortingOrder.png The images are then sorted according to the selected sort order.
How can I share any of my workflows in a virtual desktop?
You can share workflows in a common public folder “public_share_workflow”, which is accessible by all registered user. If you want your workflow to be part of the CoESRA platform, please email You can also share workflows on MyExperi
How can I share my data with other users?
You can store the data in the public folder “public_share_data” to make it accessible to other users.
How can I view a summarised detail of images collected from a site?
Navigate to ecoimages → On the home page click on Resources from the menu item Select Sites Stats from the dropdown menu. The Stats for each Site will be listed as a Data Card (see image b
How can I view temporal scale of Ancillary images
Navigate to Image_types_Icon.png Click Image Types icon on the home page. This will provide a list of Image Types available. ImageTypes.png AncGeneral.png Click on Ancillary Image Icon. The Ancillary image type Data Cart will
How can I view temporal scale of camera trap images
Navigate to Image_types_Icon.png Click Image Type icon on the home page. This will provide a list of Image Types available. ImageTypes.png CameraTrap.png Click on Camera Trap Image Icon. The came
How can I view temporal scale of Leaf Area Index images
Navigate to Image_types_Icon.png Click Image Type icon on the home page. This will provide a list of Image Types available. ImageTypes.png LeafAreaIndex.png Click on Leaf Index Image Icon. The Le
How can I view temporal scale of Phenocam images
Navigate to Image_types_Icon.png Click Image Type icon on the home page. This will provide a list of Image Types available. ImageTypes.png Phenocam.png Click on Phenocam Image Icon. The Phenocam
How can I view temporal scale of Photopoint images
Navigate to Image_types_Icon.png Click Image Type icon on the home page. This will provide a list of Image Types available. ImageTypes.png Photopoint.png Click on Photopoint Image Icon. The Photo
How do I access EcoImages Portal?
Steps: Open a browser Key in and press enter This will lead you to the landing page of the portal. Note: You can bookmark this page for the ease of future navigation to this portal.
How do I find help and services in TERN helpdesk?
Type your keywords in the search bar provided.
How do I request a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the data?
If you require a DOI for your record, please thick the relevant box in the Lodge tab SHaRED: How to complete the Lodge tab Please only request a DOI for complete datasets or data releases. If your submission has already been lodged, contact esupport@tern.
How do I upload very large datasets or a large numer of files?
If you have a large dataset or a lot of files, the drag-and-drop upload box is not a suitable option. In this case, don't hesitate to contact and specify the file format, size and/or approximate number of files. You will be provided w
How do I, as a User, report an issue with an image?
Steps: Click on the Image to display the complete information in the form of a Datacard image-20211201-021902.png Then click on “Report Data Issue” button Here as the user, you can provide the reason to report an issue with image to stop displaying it. im
How do I, as Administrator, process an Image marked with an Issue
Steps: Sign in with your account with Administration rights Click Search on the Menu bar As Administrator, a “Blacklisted Images” facet will be made available to you. Then Select the items listed within this for processing Reported Images image-20211201-0
How is the citation constructed from the metadata?
The citation is constructed according to the Datacite citation format, see Authors and co-authors (Publication year). Title. Version. Publisher. Resource type. Identifier wh
How should I assign keywords to my metadata?
You can specify Keywords relevant to your dataset in the What tab SHaRED: How to complete the What tab e.g. GCMD Science Keywords, ANZSRC Fields of Research, Parameters, etc…Some, like GCMD Science Keywords and ANZSRC Fields of Research are a mandatory IS
How to access chromatic coordinates data of Phenocam images
Go to and click the “Sign in” button. EcoImages landing page Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.44.24.png Click “Search” to go to the search page. EcoImages search page Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 13.47.52.png Cl
How to add filtered items to the Data Cart?
Limitations The selected image total must be equal to or less than 18 GigaBytes (GB) Add to Cart AddtoCart_Button.png Clicking on this link will navigate to the Data Cart below DataCartFromAddtoCart.png returntosearch.png Click on the button to return to
How to customise your CoESRA virtual desktop
The CoESRA virtual desktop can be powered by either CPU (Central Processing Unit) or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) nodes. Your virtual desktop account folder as well as the data and analysis that you have stored in it will persist regardless of what sett
How to download TERN's acoustic data in bulk using APIs
If you need to download a small number of audio files from right click on the file and select Save Link As… If you want to download a large number of files, we recommend using a
How to search for Field of View (FoV) images?
Note: Field of View or FoV for short, is only available for Image Type Phenocam Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Image Types and Camera Types
How to search for images based Camera Type(s)?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Image Types and Camera Types Facet has filters that provide the options to select: Image Types, and Camera T
How to search for images based Image Type(s)?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Image Types and Camera Types Facet has the filters that provides the options to select: Image Types, and Cam
How to search for images based on Site Visit or Visits?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Sites, Plots, and Site Visit IDs Facet has the filters that provides the options to select: Sites, Plots, an
How to search for images based on the date range?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Date range Facet has the filters that provides the options to filter images based on a Date Range that is re
How to search for images within a different Regions?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png RegionFacet.png The Region Facet has the filters that provide the options to select the Region Type(s) and/or Re
How to search for images within a Plot or Plots?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Sites, Plots, and Site Visit IDs Facet has the filters that provides the options to select: Sites, Plots, an
How to search for images within a Site(s)?
Navigate to the EcoImages Portal - Click on the Search Menu and it will lead to the Search Page EcoimagesNav.png The Sites, Plots, and Site Visit IDs Facet have the filters that provide options to select: Sites, Plots, and Si
How to search help in the specific category?
Access the TERN helpdesk using TERN helpdesk homepage should like this below; TERN_helpdesk_home.GIF Select the desired category from the
How to upload and access files using TERN SFTPGo portal
TERN provides a secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) portal, SFTPGo, to support uploading, viewing, and downloading large data sets into the TERN Data repository. The TERN SFTPGo portal can be found at
How to Upload Files into UQRDM using the cloud web interface and Rclone
The University of Queensland’s Research Data Manager (UQRDM) is a platform designed to assist researchers in managing and securely storing their research data. This service facilitates the full data management lifecycle, from planning and collection to pu
How to use the application
Home Page image-20220406-232628.png Main menu items image-20220324-054234.png Home Navigates to the main application page Resources User Manual Clicking this link opens the Account User guide in Confluence TERN User Management guide API Key usage Clicking
How to Use the downloads section?
A a user you will need to be authenticated (signed-in), in order to view your respective search that has been added to the Cart Then click once you click the “My Downloads” menu item, the My downloads section will be displayed. image-20211130-022451.png T
Hyperspectral Ground Calibration Data - Calibration Target Protocol
Spectroadiometric Measurements – Surface Calibration Targets Site selection and layout Calibration targets should be large (ideally, calibration targets should cover an area of at least 3 x 3 pixels of the airborne mission), homogeneous, spectrally featur
Hyperspectral Ground Calibration Data - Ground Features Protocol
ASD Protocol - Ground Features The spectroradiometric measurements should be normalised in terms of solar angle to suit the satellite products. Ideally, field spectroradiometric measurements should be made at the same solar angle as the satellite overpass
II want to submit records for several data sets that are similar. What is the best approach?Once you have created one record, you can use the Clone feature to create a copy
Installing and Loading 'ausplotsR'
In R to use a library it must be loaded using the 'library' function. To be able to load a library it must have been previouly installed. The first step to install packages in R is selecting the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) mirror. Mirror selec
Introduction to 'ausplotsR'
'ausplotsR' is an R package for live extraction and preparation of TERN AusPlots ecosystem monitoring data. Through 'ausplotsR', users can: (1) directly obtain plot-based data on vegetation and soils across Australia, and (2) preprocess these data into st
Is there a recommended naming convention for files?
File names should contain only letters, digits and the symbols “_” or“-” . We recommend you avoid spaces or other symbols, and have only one period “.” before the file extension. As a minimum, we recommend that you include the following information: Wha
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LLAI2200 ProtocolThis outlines the process and provides some general guidelines for indirect measurements of ground based LAI estimation using the LAI-2200 Plant Canopy Analyzer. The information is largely derived from the LAI-2200 field manual (LI-COR 2011). It is to be
Leaf Area Index (LAI)
DCP Raw images Use the following directory pattern to upload your images (full path): /<site_name>/Data/EcoImages/LAI/DCP/<plot>/<YYYYMMDD>/<upward/downward> e.g. /AliceMulga/Data/EcoImages/LAI/DCP/core1ha/20200106/upward plot = core1ha (default for all s
Leaf Data Protocol
Alfredo Huete Natalia Restrepo-Coupe Field work at Chowilla (Jan 29 –Feb 2, 2012) In collaboration with site PIs and technical personnel: D. Chittleborough, W. Meyer, and G. Whiteman Over the entire year, there are seasonal changes in the following landsc
Legacy AusCover data services
You (or your service) has been redirected to this page from one of: The AusCover services are being closed and replaced by TERN Data Services and
Legacy AusCover Geonetwork
You (or your service) has been redirected to this page from The AusCover services are being closed and replaced by TERN Data Services and TERN Landscapes services. All records in the AusCover Geonetwork have been (o
Legacy AusCover Xwiki
You (or your service) has been redirected to this page from The AusCover services are being closed and replaced by TERN Data Services and TERN Landscapes services. All records in the AusCover Xwiki have been (or are bein
LIDAR data, Kakadu NP
Link to the data this data set consists of 10 .tif files (subsets) representing mosaics of canopy height models (CHMs; 5 files and underly
LIDAR data, Leichardt River, Queensland
Persistent URL Link to the data
LIDAR extent map, Leichhardt River, Queensland
Persistent URL matt.paget we need to update the purl for this link LiDAR data
LIDAR extent maps, Kakadu NP
From the 2011 LiDAR data, mangroves occurring on Field Island and all four rivers (including the East Alligator) were associated with areas where the vegetation CHM value was equal to or exceeded 0.5 m. This threshold selected as approximately 95% and 97%
Limitations of Remote Sensing Surface Reflectance and Derived Data Products
The quality of RS data products can be limited by multiple factors including the spatial-temporal resolution of the input data, sub pixel clouds, and by the ‘local’ applicability of the artefact corrections (i.e. gap filling, smoothing, and curve fitting)
Load raster objects from files
The function 'raster' from the 'raster' package provides methods to create a RasterLayer object. RasterLayer objects can be created from scratch, a file, an extent object, an image object, and other specific R objects (i.e. Raster*, Spatial*, im (spatstat
Log in using AAF
Log in using CILogon
Log in using Google Account
Coming soon
Logging to TERN Data Portals and Services
A navigation bar with a sign-in option is at the top of each TERN data portal. This sign-in option works similarly with each portal by allowing users to log in to their personal TERN account. Once signed in, users perform tasks such as checking their down
MMandatory fields to raise a support request/ticket?Required fields to raise a support request are an active email address and summary of the request.
Mangrove Data
MangrovePortal_Welcome.png The TERN Mangrove Portal arose, in part, from the desire to provide robust scientific datasets that could be used to quantify the extent of mangroves and monitor and understand change across Australia. An objective was to provid
Mangrove Datasets
Overview of Mangrove Data Portal Historical Field DataMangrove Datasets Historical Field Data NearRealTime.png Near Real Time Observations APBL.png Australian Plant Biomass Library - Mangrove Component Causes.png Existing Mangrove Maps 800px-SET.jpg Surfa
Mangrove extent and cyclone damage, Hinchinbrook Island, QLD
This data set consists of a shapefile of mangrove extent around Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, before and following Cyclone Yasi (February 2011). Abstract or summary Cyclones are significant drivers of change within mangrove ecosystems with the extent o
Mangrove extent from 2002 CASI data, Kakadu NP, NT
This data set consists of a shapefile/kml of mangrove extent for the lower reaches of the West Alligator River Kakadu National Park, with this generated from airborne Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) hyperspectral data data acquired in 2011.
Mangrove Extent, Kakadu NP, NT
This data set consists of a shapefile/kml of mangrove extent for Kakadu National Park mangroves generated from RapidEye data. Information on the details of the attribute fields for the 2014_KakaduNP_MangroveExtent_Rapi
Manipulating AusPlots data I: Subset data frames
The 'get_ausplots' function extracts and compiles AusPlots data allowing substantial flexibility in the selection of the required data. Up to 8 different types of data can be retrieved into distinct data frames (i.e. data on sampling sites, vegetation str
Manipulating AusPlots data II: Merging data frames
The 'ausplotsR' package functions help as pre-processing the AusPlots data extracted with the 'get_ausplots' function into data frames useful for data analysis. For example, the 'species_table' function generates a 'species occurrence by site' matrix (con
Map-based Search
Map-based Search: Users can undertake map-based searches from either the “Search By Map” tab on the TDDP Home page (shown in the screenshots below), or via the TDDP Search Page. The map-based search enables users to search for datasets and related metadat
MicroTops Sunphotometer Protocol
Microtops instrument at Chowilla Supersite. IMG8191.jpg Site selection process Select a site or sites preferably at the centre of the overall site of interest. This is in order to characterise atmospheric conditions most closely related to the image data
MODIS Land Products explained
Author: Matt Paget, CSIRO Land and Water (2020) The TERN AusCover facility (2010-2018) distributed Australian mosaic data products for a set of MODIS Land Products. The mosaic products have all been retired and are no longer available from TERN. This page
Monitoring statistics (so far)
The table below presents some statistics for TERN's Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring program as per February 2018: Type Concept (metric) Count Plots Plots Surveyed 582 Plots with Point Intercept data 550 Plots with NVIS level 5 Structural Summary informa
My data parameter is not in the list, what should I do?
Please see instruction here
NNear Real Time ObservationsHistorical information is critical to understanding past changes in mangrove state and dynamics but often these are not made available until some time after an event (e.g., cyclone) or process (e.g., dieback) has occurred. The development of mobile device
New Registration to access LTERN Data
This article provides information for new users to access LTERN data. The LTERN data portal is migrated to Australian National University data commons and will be custodians of LTERN data and provide access to data. Following are the instructions to acces
OObtaining AusPlots data: 'get_ausplots' functionThe 'get_ausplots' function extracts and compiles AusPlots data. Data of specific types, sites, geographical locations, and/or species can be requested via the function arguments. DATA TYPES: Up to 8 different types of data can be obtained by setting the
Other endpoints
EcoPlots endpoints allows access to a number of other more specialised data points. Feature of interest attributes During a sampling event, observations (e.g. number of flowers, vegetation height, body mass) are performed on features of interest (foi). Fe
Overview of the Satellites used for capturing TERN’s RS data
Landsat The Landsat program is the longest-running initiative for the acquisition of satellite imagery. So far, eight Landsat satellites have been launched. The first one was launched in 1972, although this first mission was not originally called Lands
PPanoramic Photopoint (panorama)Please upload the original files from the camera. Do not rename or modify the files. Use the following directory pattern to upload your images (full path): /<site_name>/Data/EcoImages/Panorama/<plot_id>/<YYYYMMDD>/<#> e.g. /CowBay/Data/EcoImages/Panorama
Pasture Biomass Protocol
The following protocol document details the steps involved in collecting pasture biomass at a standard remote sensing star transect field site. It also details a number of ancillary data collected to inform further pasture and ground-cover modelling. Site
Please note the following points: Images from active phenocams are uploaded automatically to the UQRDM. The set up for the automatic uploads is not covered in this manual. For manual uploads of legacy data follow the instructions below. Every time you upl
Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring biological life-cycle events, the causes of their timing with regard to abiotic and biotic factors, and the interrelation among phases of the same or different species at population and/or community level
Over 100 CubeSat sensors provide a unique opportunity to observe mangroves across Australia on a near daily basis (cloud permitting). The University of New South Wales (UNSW) has worked closely with PlanetLabs, through their Ambassador Program, to provide
Plant Growth Form data: 'growth_form_table' function
The 'growth_form_table' function in the 'ausplotR' package can be used to generate occurrence matrices for plant growth forms in the AusPlots plots. The plant growth forms considered are those in the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS; Executive
Preparation: Getting ready
We normally start our R code by loading the required libraries. This is an example of how to load R libraries. SettingUp_01.PNG If you haven't installed these libraries yet, you would need to first set a CRAN mirror and then install the libraries using th
The 'fractional_cover' function in the 'auscoverR' package calculates fractional cover from AusPlots point intercept (PI) data (as generated by 'get_ausplots'). Fractional cover refers to the proportions of green vegetation, dead vegetation and bare subst
QQuick Start Guide to CoESRACoESRA is a Linux-based virtual desktop platform accessible via a web browser. Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 1.39.12 pm.png To access the CoESRA portal, load the TERN homepage and navigate to the Data menu, then click on CoESRA Virtual Desktop. Alternative you
RR packages in CoESRACoESRA has pre-installed a number of R packages relevant to ecological data analysis and visualisation so that users can call libraries directly without having to spend valuable time on package installation. The packages are listed below and are accessibl
RapidEye Mosaics, Northern Australia
This data set consists of a web link to colour composite Rapideye data acquired over the north Australian coastline between 2014 and 2016. RapidEye over LIDAR Kakadu National Park RapidEye_over_LIDAR_KakaduNP.png Abstract or Summary RapidEye visible, red
Raster Calculations: Raster Algebra and Calculations using Functions
In R raster calculations, involving one or more raster layers, can be conducted in 3 different ways: I. Using ‘Raster Algebra’ II. Using Higher Level Functions in the package raster III. Using specialised functions from particular package A brief review o
Raster Values: Graphical Summaries
To explore the cell values of raster layers several types of graphical summaries can be used, such as boxplots, and density plots. Scatter plots can be used to explore the relationships between the values of different raster layers. EXAMPLES Below example
Raster Values: Numerical Summaries
To compute Numerical Summaries for the cells of each layer we can use: The 'summary' function, which calculate minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, maximum, and the number of cells containing missing data. Summary is a generic function; however, i
Raster Values: Visualisation
To plot the cell values of a Raster* object, we can use the 'plot' function in the 'raster' package and the 'levelplot' function in the 'rasterVis' package. The later function provides enhanced plots with relative ease. EXAMPLES Examples of visualisation
Rasters in R
Introduction A 'raster' is a spatial (geographic) data structure that divides the space into elements of equal size (in units of the coordinate reference system) called 'cells'. Cells have a square or rectangular shape and can store one or more values.
SSave raster objects to filesTwo functions of the 'raster' package can be used to write raster to a file: 'writeRaster': Writes an entire Raster* object to a file in a supported format. 'writeValues': Writes chucks (e.g. by row) of a Raster* object to a file in a supported format. Su
Saving AusPlots data
The 'get_ausplots' function in the 'ausplotsR' package extracts and compiles AusPlots data. Up to 8 different types of data can be obtained by setting the corresponding function arguments to TRUE/FALSE (i.e. 'site_info', 'structural_summaries', 'veg.vouch
Saving Searches and Favourite Records
Users must be logged into the Portal in order to save searches or add records to favourites. For information on how to log in or register an account, see Logging to TERN Data Portals and Services. Saving Searches The save searches feature allows users to
Saving your analysis in CoESRA
Within the CoESRA virtual desktop, users can save their analysis work from any of the software tools they have been using by following the same processes as they would when using their local computer. The TERN team recommends that for ease of reusing anal
Seach by Instrument
Instruments Search: From the TDDP Home page, users can select “Search by Instruments”. This allows the user to browse, filter, and access data collected using a specific instrument. To find a particular instrument, users can click the image-20241204-05315
Search by Parameter
Parameters Search: From the TDDP Home page, users can select “Search by Parameter”. This allows the user to filter down to and access data for a specific parameter, defined as a measurable characteristic of a feature of interest. Related parameters are gr
Search by Platform
Platforms Search: From the TDDP Home page, users can select “Search by Platform”. This allows users to search for data based on platforms contributing to data collection. Users can see platform classifications and browse through them to select any platfor
Search by Themes
Using Themes: Users can access TERN data using the themes as displayed (e.g., Remote Sensing, Soil & Landscape Grid). Each theme represents a type of data contained within the TDDP. There are currently nine themes which represent TERN data, they are: Carb
Search Results
when user make any selection from the home page, all the resultant records are shown in a Search Result Page. The search result page enable users to refine their search based on facets. Following facets are available for search refinement: regions - admin
Searching for TERN Data
As noted in the TDDP Overview and Quick Start Guide , there are seven ways to search for/access TERN data from the TDDP Home page ( Using the text-based search bar - this is a free text search acros
Searching Using Facets
Users can use the facets on the search page to find relevant records. There are several facets that the user can apply. Many of these facets allow the user to make multiple selections, and some, such as the Regions facet have sub-facets within them, allow
SHaRED Drone Submission Example Walkthrough
The full SHaRED user guide can be found here. The following is a series of screen captures, with the purpose of showing an example of a drone specific submission through SHaRED. The final result of the submission can be viewed here
SHaRED: Getting started
Login Open in a browser window image-20191024-073501.png Click [Login] at the top right of the menu bar. Click the appropriate icon to login. image-20220322-020722.png Your My Records dashboard will d
SHaRED: How to complete the About tab
This tab will inform the users with the legal obligations and limitations of use of the dataset and any other relevant details such as resources and publications. Standard constrains that apply to all TERN’s datasets are reported in the top part of the ta
SHaRED: How to complete the Data Quality tab
The Data Quality tab provides details about the scope of the data quality assessment, reports on data quality and any data quality assessment outcome. image-20220405-014115.png Instructions Field labels Required Provide a summary of the scope of the Data
SHaRED: How to complete the Data Sources tab
The Data Sources tab allows users to upload data files from multiple sources and/or add data services links. If you have a large dataset or a lot of files, please refer to How do I upload very large datasets or a large numer of files? image-20230907-03373
SHaRED: How to complete the How tab
Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report. This section is optional. You can provide a description of method(s) used f
SHaRED: How to complete the Identification tab
Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report. Title This field has already been populated when the record was created. It
SHaRED: How to complete the Lodge tab
You can lodge the record once all mandatory fields have been completed and you have agreed to 'I have read and agree with the terms and conditions. Each tab containing mandatory fields is marked with an asterisk that will turn from Red to Green when the f
SHaRED: How to complete the What tab
The What tab provides fields to describe the data. image-20220323-000452.png Contextual information Complete the following fields for the What tab: image-20220323-000526.png Field label Steps Notes Abstract Describe the data set and provide a brief summar
SHaRED: How to complete the When tab
Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report. The When tab provides fields to describe the time period covered by the dat
SHaRED: How to complete the Where tab
The Where tab provides features and fields to identify the location and spatial coverage of the data. image-20230907-004216.png Horizontal extent Complete the following fields: Field Label Steps Provide a site description (optional) Describe the general l
SHaRED: How to complete the Who tab
Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report. The Who tab provides fields to indicate people responsible for collecting o
Sharing data and analysis in CoESRA
Private sharing You can share your data and analysis with other members of your group. To do this, navigate to your personal home folder and open the “project_group_data” folder then find your group’s folder. Only the other members of your group will be a
In the UQRDM , each SuperSite has its own directory to upload images. Site PIs that are assigned to a SuperSite can upload and manipulate their supersite images in CloudStor through their directory, e.g. /Boyagin/Data/Ecoimages for the Boyagin site. NOTE:
SLATS Star Transect Protocol
This protocol pages provides a brief summary of the collection process for FPC field data, which is largely taken from the ABARES ground cover monitoring field manual (Muir et al. 2011)
Spatial & Temporal Scope
Spatial Scope TERN's Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring Plots are distributed across Australia (Figure 1). Currently*, plots occur in 51 out the 89 bioregions in the IBRA7 (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, version 7) framework (Figur
Species-Level data: 'species_table' function
The 'species'_table function in the 'ausplotsR' is used to generate a species occurrence matrix from AusPlots raw data. The species occurence matrix can be then used in multiple applications that require species-level data. For example, it can be used to
Structural characteristics of mangrove forests: Compilation of LAI and other variables for experimental and survey sites
Overview These data describe structural characteristics of mangrove forests at known locations. Some of the data is from sites where trees have been fertilized with nitrogen or phosphorus, while other data are from point centre quarter transects which wer
Strzelecki Survey Data - BDBSA
This page provide information on how to access BDBSA data when the datasets were restricted for access from AEKOS. Accessing BDBSA related data Instructions The Biological Database of South Australia (BDBSA) datasets are temporarily unavailable from the A
Submitting Data and Metadata for Drone Campaigns
TERN Data and Analytics Team has created a streamlined process for research collaborators to upload and publish large quantities of drone data. The diagram below summarises the publication steps. A research collaborator will only need to be concerned with
Surface Elevation Tables
Surface elevation increments of coastal wetlands using the surface elevation table (SET) – marker horizon (MH) method. Monitoring surface elevation change of coastal wetlands is important to understanding their vulnerability to sea level rise and the impa
Surface Reflectance: The starting point
Surface Reflectance, also known as Surface Spectral Reflectance, it is the fraction of incoming solar radiation that is reflected from Earth’s surface at ground level. It is measured as the ratio of the reflected radiation over the incoming solar radiatio
TTargeted Airborne DataTargeted airborne data acquisitions are often needed as a contribution to an Australian Mangrove Monitoring System. A notable illustration is the coordinated airborne mission to the Gulf of Carpentaria in response to the 2015/16 dieback event. Before down
TDDP Overview and Quick Start Guide
This quick start guide will help users to use the TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP). The URL to the portal is Step-by-step instructions Opening the link https://portal.ter
TERN CoESRA User Guide
CoESRA is a cloud-based virtual desktop environment with several applications to perform complex data analysis. It is accessible from a web browser using an Australian Access Federation (AAF), CILogon or Google account.
TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP) User Guide
Welcome to the TERN Data Discovery Portal The TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP) is a gateway to search and access data collected and collated by the TERN observing platform. The TDDP provides both text-based and map-based search interfaces and enable user
TERN Data Licensing Policy
The document provides an overview of the TERN-wide data licensing policy
TERN Data Policy and Practice Documents
Name Description Document TERN terms of use the document specifies rules and conditions for users to access and use all TERN data, services and tools TERN Data Providers Deed The do
TERN Data Preservation Strategy
The document provides an overview of the digital preservation strategy undertaken by TERN to support continuous and reliable access to managed digital assets.
TERN Data Providers Deed
The document formalises all obligations and rights of data providers and TERN as a data service provider.
TERN EcoImages User Guide
Welcome to TERN EcoImages User Manual The TERN EcoImages provide access to all images collected by the TERN observing platforms across Australia. Images are related to Phenocamera, Leaf Area Index (LAI), Photopoints (five-point and panorama), Flora and Fa
TERN EcoPlots User Guide
Ecoplots-flow-chart-02.png Welcome to TERN EcoPlots The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) has created a data integration platform to search and access site-based survey data called EcoPlots. TERN EcoPlots maps all site-based survey datasets an
TERN Ecosystem Processes - OzFlux
TERN's data on Gas and Energy fluxes A network of micrometeorological flux tower stations (OxFlux towers) around Australia provide a common set of core measurements at different ecosystems and multiple times. Measurements include fluxes (i.e. exchange) of
TERN Ecosystem Processes - SuperSites
TERN's Ecosystem Processes - SuperSites A network of intense monitoring sites around Australia are co-located with eddy covariance towers to deliver biological and environmental observations of flora, fauna, microbial biodiversity, soils and hydrology. p
TERN Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring
TERN's 'Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring' is a plot-based surveillance monitoring program undertaking baseline surveys of rangelands and tall eucalyptus forest ecosystems across Australia. AusPlots aims to establish and maintain a national network of per
TERN eSupport Services
TERN-print-Logo-Landscape RGB.png TERN KNOWLEDGE BASE NEED MORE HELP? Search in the knowledge base or Click on "Open a Support Ticket" to send a helpdesk email. create-support-ticket-button.png DOCUMENTATION TERN APPLICATIONS U
TERN File lists
TERN Helpdesk User Guide TERN Kepler workflows The installation of Kepler within CoESRA has a number of pre-defined workflows available. Accessing CoESRA workflows To access the workflows, open Kepler from CoESRA in the Applications menu. Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 10.56.28 am.png 2. The Kepler applicat
TERN Landscapes - Remote Sensing
TERN's Landscapes Assessment is a platform that conducts environmental monitoring using remote sensing techniques to characterise and monitor Australian ecosystems at a landscape and continental scale. Data Remote sensing (RS) data includes validated geod
TERN Landscapes - Soils
The 'Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia' program delivers consistent, comprehensive, nation-wide data on Australian soil and landscape attributes at a fine resolution (3 arc-seconds ~ 90x90m pixels; finer than ever before). It draws together historical
TERN Monitoring Protocols
TERN NetCDF User Manual The document provides an overview of the NetCDF conventions used at TERN.
TERN Ontology output Description
COMING SOON … Next Page: Using EcoPlots data
TERN provide access to number of REST API endpoints to access different data types. Users can build their own custom applications or scripts to suit their needs. The following table lists some of the TERN portals and their Rest APIs. Users are encouraged
TERN SHaRED User Guide (Submission, Harmonisation and Retrieval of Ecological Data) is a web-enabled metadata authoring tool for research data collections in a standardised format compliant with the TERN Metadata Profile h
TERN Supersites Network Acoustic Monitoring Protocol
TERN Supersites Network Vegetation Protocol Vegetation Protocol for TERN Supersites Network
TERN User Management Guide
TERN Vocabulary Development and Management The document describes developing and managing vocabularies as part of the TERN data infrastructure.
Terrestrial datasets
The distribution and dynamics of mangroves are influenced by a number of factors relating to the terrestrial environment, with these including hydrology and geomorphology Flooding Northern Australia Flooding_NorthAustralia.png Hydrology The discharge or w
Terrestrial Laser Scans Protocol
gold0101_rhoapp.jpggold0101_range.jpg Figure 1: Apparent reflectance (left) and range (right) hemispherical images from Riegl VZ400 scans at the Queensland DES GOLD0101 long-term monitoring plot. Ground lidar, also known as Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS
The TERN Ecosystem Surveillance Team
Many people have contributed to the success of TERN Ecosystem Surveillance Program over the years. Current TERN Staff Length of Service Antonic, Tom 2023 - Current Bignall, Julia 2020 - Current Blaylock, Kirrily 2021 - 30-Jun-23 Chapman, Julie 2020 - Curr
Tree Structural Characteristics Protocol
Site Details Plot selection process The tree structural characteristics data collection process outlined in this document assumes the trees are sampled around the centre of established star transects. Sites should be selected in the manner outlined in th
UUnderstanding SSH - Key-based Authentication1. Introduction: SSH (Secure Shell) is a cryptographic protocol that allows secure communication between two computers. One common use of SSH is to securely access remote servers. Instead of using passwords, which can be intercepted, SSH can use a pair of
Uploading data collected by SuperSites
This section contains the upload guidelines and options to upload collected data to TERN.
Uploading data file from ASDC
The user should have an account in ASDC to publish data from ASDC To upload data files from the Australian Scalable Drone Cloud (ASDC), In the Data Sources tab, click on the ASDC icon. image-20230907-041538.png Then sign in to your ASDC account using eith
UQRDM file structure for EcoImages
Use python openstacksdk to create and prepare VM in nectar with user data and task script configure connection to nectar server write and pack the user data write the user data in a .fcc file variant: fcos version: 1.4.0 passwd: # set user and group for operate on NFS groups: - name: Q4646RW gid: 544646 users: - name: core groups: - Q4646RW #
Using API key in QGIS
Users need APIkey to acceess
Using CoESRA Groups Functionality
Create a new Group From within the Group Manager page, click the Request a Group button. CoESRA_UserManual-UI_RequestGroup.png Provide a name and description for your group in the Request A Group dialog box. RequestAGroupDialog2.png You will be sent an em
Using CoESRA's GPU capabilities for Machine Learning
In computational research, GPU acceleration has become indispensable, especially for handling complex tasks like deep learning. CoESRA’s GPU node gives researcher’s the opportunity to access that computational power remotely. The CoESRA virtual desktop ca
Using Dropbox within CoESRA
The CoESRA virtual environment allows Dropbox files to be accessible directly from the desktop. Login When Dropbox is launched from the CoESRA folder within the Applications menu, a browser window will be opened (as shown below) to allow the user to login
Using EcoPlots data
To give users an idea of how data downloaded from EcoPlots can be used, we have created a GitHub repository call ecoplots-examples within the TERN GitHub account. Within t
Using Jupyter notebooks within CoESRA
On starting Jupyter from the CoESRA folder in the Application menu, a “Jupyter” application window will appear. The two buttons (as shown below) allow users to easily start and stop Jupyter. The associated app icon will appear in the panel at the bottom o
Using OpenRefine within CoESRA
On starting OpenRefine from the CoESRA folder in the Application menu, an “OpenRefine” application window will appear. The two buttons within the application window (as shown below) will allow users to easily start and stop OpenRefine. The associated app
Using the map view in EcoPlots
Map view becomes available when the Map View button image-20240313-030507.png on the top of the Filter column is clicked. Instructions for how to access the EcoPlots portal are available in https://ternaus.atlas
Using your own data in CoESRA
Using the system web browser, you can download your data from any web-based storage solution such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Note that although you can transfer files using the File Transfer utility from your local drive to the your CoESRA account, it ca
VVegetation Cover data: 'single_cover_value' functionThe 'single_cover_value' function in the 'auplotsR' package calculates Vegetation Cover Values for particular Growth Form Types and/or Height Thresholds per Site from Raw AusPlots Vegetation Point Intercept data. The 'growth_form_table' function can also
Vegetation Indices based on Surface Spectral Reflectance and Absortion
Early sensors, such as NOAA’s AVHRR and NASA’s MSS, collected data in visible and NIR spectral bands. These sensors allowed the identification of areas of vegetation and investigation of vegetation state, based on the differential reflectance and absorpti
Visualising site locations using GeoJSON data with Python
GeoJSON data can be parsed using python to create a plot that visualises the geographic range of your TERN EcoPlots dataset. The GeoJSON data that is included in TERN data package downloads can be parsed create a plot that visualises the geographic range
Visualising site locations using GeoJSON data with RStudio
GeoJSON data can be parsed using R to create a plot that visualises the geographic range of your TERN EcoPlots dataset. The GeoJSON data that is included in TERN data package downloads can be parsed immediately to create a plot that visualises the geograp
WWestern NSW refugia collectionThis page contains links to spatial layers that can be used to identify potential refugia in the arid and semi-arid region of western New South Wales, Australia. The layers were derived from Landsat data and the SRTM DEM. The layers and how they can be us
What are the file formats recommended by TERN
The following table contains file formats recommended by TERN for data preservation, publication and reuse. The list was developed based on the Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement 2020-2021
What fields are compulsory?
Compulsory fields are listed below. You will not be allowed to lodge your record until they are completed. The fields are marked with an asterisk in SHaRED. Tabs that include compulsory fields are also marked with an asterisk. When all compulsory fields w
What is Knowledge base in TERN helpdesk?
Knowledge base is a set of tutorials or articles where you can access frequently asked questions or get self help.
What is TERN Support/Help desk?
TERN Support/Help desk is designed specifically for end-users to submit tickets to a help desk team. TERN support/Help desk lets these users submit tickets quickly and easily through a simple interface, this also include knowledge base tutorials or articl
What services are available with TERN helpdesk portal?
You can access frequently asked tutorials/articles related to TERN products & services also known as Knowledge base and you can raise a support request using the fields provided.
Where can I find all the Image Types in the portal?
Navigate to EcoimagesNav.png Click the Search. This will lead to the Search Page. Click on the Image Types and Camera Types, the Image Types drop-down list will have all the Image Types available
Which TERN products help is available from TERN helpdesk?
TERN helpdesk provides help with the following products; Ecosystem Processes CoESRA Platform Ecosystem Surveillance Landscape - Soils Landscape - Remote Sensing
Why login is required to download from EcoImages portal?
The EcoImages portal is available for anyone to access the pages and perform all filtration processes to view images. Users can perform the following activities once they login to the portal: Download individual images from the Image grid, Add filtered im
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Observations CSV (data)
Every “observations” file contains all the ecological observations based on the filtering done in the EcoPlots before the package generation. The first set of columns are common to every file:
Column | Meaning |
dataset | Datasource/Dataset to which this data row belongs to. |
project | Project to which this data row belongs to. |
siteName | Ecological site where data was collected. |
latitude | Latitude geographic coordinate of ecological site. |
longitude | Longitude geographic coordinate of ecological site. |
topParentSiteName | Greater site to which this ecological site belongs to. |
siteVisitName | Identificator of the visit to the site when data was collected. |
siteVisitStartDate | Starting date of the visit to the site. |
siteVisitEndDate | Ending date of the visit to the site. |
featureId | Unique identifier of the feature, e.g. stem-1a, tree-1, bird-0123456, specimen-ABC123. |
featureType | Feature of interest type, i.e. observed feature like plant individual, plant specimen, landform, weather, etc.). |
parentFeatureId | Unique identifier of the greater feature to which the current feature is part of, e.g. tree-1 -> stem-1b. |
The following columns are the ecological observations:
Each observation consist of three columns:
Result of the observation. The column header shows the name of the ecological parameter, aka observable property. (e.g scientificName). Values for this column contain the actual results of the observations made, for instance, the species name of the feature.
Result time: When the observation was made.
Method: Link to the vocabulary of the Method/Procedure. Opening the link on any Internet browser will show all the information about the protocol following for collecting the data.
In some specific cases (when available), some extra columns are included in the CSV meaning some attributes of the feature of interest (e.g plant-individual or soil-sample):
Attributes are easily identificable because they consist exclusively of 1 column (there is no result time nor method). These attributes are not ecological observations, but contains important information about the feature, e.g. the depth of the soil sample, or the x,y position inside the side of a specific plant.
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