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EcoImages search page - overview

Search page

The Search page allows the user to select the required images. These images can be filtered through a series of criteria. The images are then rendered on the main section of the Search page

Search page components

The image below displays the various filters that can be applied as criteria to retrieve and display the required images.

Search Page Filter components







Clicking this button will display the Map feature

The Map feature provides a holistic view of the locations where the data has been collected. Each location provides the statistical data for each location.


This is the default button shown when the search page is loaded

Clicking this button will switch to display the Images in grid format from the Map view

The Images grid provides all the images that has been filtered through from the criteria selected


This button will load the images that have been selected into your cart

The images added to the cart can be downloaded as a package.


This filtration section allows you to filter the Region Types and the associated Regions.

See also https://ternaus.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TERNSup/pages/2195292318

The images are displayed for the selected criteria


This filtration section allows you to filter through Sites and Plots.




The images are displayed based on the selected criteria.


This filtration section allows you to filter through image types


The images are displayed based on the selected criteria.


This filtration section allows you to filter through a date range


The images are displayed based on the selected criteria.


This filtration section accepts a text search of the criteria

The images are displayed based on the selected criteria.

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