EcoPlots GeoJSON output Description

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EcoPlots GeoJSON output Description

EcoPlots provides data download in GeoJSON (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7946 ) format. GeoJSON is a file format used to encode geographic data structures using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The GeoJSON object represents a spatial entity (Feature), related properties as key-value pairs or objects, spatial representation (a Geometry), or a list of Features (FeatureCollection).

In the EcoPlots GeoJSON files, the site where the observation was made is identified as a feature, and its spatial location is represented by geometry. Each feature in the GeoJSON is represented by a site and an instance of a site visit. The properties of a Feature are objects that provide information about the dataset, site, site visit and observations related to the Feature. The Observation object will consist of details about the feature of Interest of the observation (feature type), attributes of the feature of Interest and all observations, including observable properties, attributes related to the observation, result, Unit of Measurement and result time.

The following image shows a sample Feature with all related objects, including details about the dataset, site, and site visit.

The related observation is given in the image below. The observation object contains information about the feature of Interest, related properties and observations related to the feature of Interest.

Please see the tutorials on how to use EcoPlots GeoJSON output.

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