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What are the file formats recommended by TERN
The following table contains file formats recommended by TERN for data preservation, publication and reuse. The list was developed based on the Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement 2020-2021.
If you are unsure about the suitable data file format, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at esupport@tern.org.au for clarification.
Data types | Recommended Formats |
Still images (e.g., bio-imaging) Note: we accept camera raw image file, which then will be converted into the recommended format for publication). |
Audio works (e.g., bioacoustics) |
Geospatial vector |
Geospatial raster (e.g., remote sensing gridded data products; soil and landscape grid) |
Sensor time series (e.g., ecology plot-based survey and inventory data, flux) |
Textual works |
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