Drone Data Publication - Getting Ready

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Drone Data Publication - Getting Ready

*This list is aimed at being a guide for a typical drone flight, this is not an exhaustive list and metadata requirements may vary depending on the aims of a drone exercise.

Digital files






A photogrammetrically orthorectified image product mosaicked from an image collection. The preferred image format is Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF (COG). COGs can be created using rasterio or gdal tools. It is important to know the resolution and projection of the orthomosaic.

Zipped Raw Data

All images collected during the drone flight zipped up with any other supporting information that may be of use .

Details of Equipment Used





UAV Model

eg DJI Matrice 300 RTK


eg Micasense RedEdge-MX Dual. If Multispectral, provide information on the different bands being collected.

GNSS Receiver

eg M300

Mobile Station

eg D RTK 2

Post Processing Software

eg Agisoft Metashape Professional

Flight Parameters






eg 15/12/2021


eg between 10:26 am and 10:47 am AEDT

Long Lat of Site

eg 146.47336,-42.23295


eg 80m

Forward and Site Overlaps

eg 80%



Other Information





Name and contact details of collaborators to appear in the metadata


How you would like the citation to be written

Lucieer, A. , Sivanandam, P. , Turner, D. (2022): Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) RGB orthomosaic - Cockatoo Hills, Tasmania. Version 1.0.0. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN).


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