Additional Resources

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Additional Resources

The TDDP also allows users to find specific datasets related to particular infrastructure or Long Term Ecological Studies (LTES). Accessing these datasets can be done via the search page, or via the specific options within the Resources menu (next to the Sign In button).

Infrastructure Maps

Information about TERN sites can be accessed from the Research Infrastructure option in the Resources menu. Users can choose to display various sites associated with particular data collections using the checkboxes on the bottom right of the screen.

Research Infrastructure map


Additionally, users can click on the points on the map to show further information about the site. Note the information displayed will be dependent on the type of site selected.

Example of information shown for individual sites. Note the information available will be dependent on the site selected.


Long Term Ecological Studies

Information about Long Term Ecological Studies (LTES) can be accessed from the LTES Survey option in the Resources menu. From this screen, users can find information about the studies by either selecting participants in the study, or via clicking on individual points on the map.


On selection of a point on the map, information about the study will show as a pop up.



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