TERN Data Policy and Practice Documents

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TERN Data Policy and Practice Documents







TERN terms of use

the document specifies rules and conditions for users to access and use all TERN data, services and tools


TERN Data Providers Deed

The document formalises all obligations and rights of data providers and TERN as a data service provider


TERN Data Licensing Policy

The document provides an overview of TERN-wide policy an data licensing


TERN Data licensing Guidelines

The document includes a set of guidelines for sharing data based on licensing conditions specified in the TERN Data Licensing Policy


TERN Data Preservation Strategy

The document provides an overview of digital preservation strategy undertaken at TERN to support continuous and reliable access to managed digital assets


TERN Vocabulary Development and Management

The document describes developing and managing vocabularies as part of TERN data infrastructure


TERN NetCDF User Manual

The document provides an overview of the NetCDF conventions used at TERN



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