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SHaRED: How to complete the Identification tab
This field has already been populated when the record was created. It can be modified here. Please follow the conventions specified in SHaRED: Getting started | Create a new record. To see the updated title at the top of the page press [Save].
How to enter Title?
Parent Metadata
What is a Parent Metadata?
If the record is part of a collection that includes multiple releases, it should have a parent metadata record. For example, Yanco Flux Data consists of estimates of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmosphere in semi-arid eucalypt woodland using eddy covariance techniques. To obtain these values, raw measurements from the flux tower are processed using the software PyFluxPro. This software is continuously updated and improved. Every six months the raw data are re-processed using the latest version of the software, processed data are made available on the TERN Data Discovery Portal and a new metadata record is created. The record is linked to a parent metadata that refers to the overall collection of Flux data from Yanco.
Topic Categories
A topic category identifies the broader field tha the dataset belongs to. At least one topic category should be selected. Remote sensing datasets should include the topic category “Imagery Base Maps Earth Cover“.
Status of data
Most datasets published on TDDP will be either:
completed, if all raw data have been collected and have been included in the data link.
onGoing, if raw data are still being collected and continuosly added to the the data link.
This is set by default to 1.0.
For processed data that are periodically re-analised and re-published when a new version of the software/algorithm becomes available, e.g. remote sensinsing derived products, flux data, or acoustic indices, please indicate the version of the release.
For all other data, please leave the version as 1.0.
Maintenance/Update Freq
If you are planning to add new data to the dataset (i.e. the dataset is onGoing) and/or if you are planning to re-process the data and release a new version, please indicate how often these changes will occur.
Date the resource was created
For raw data this is the date when the first datapoint/sample was collected.
For derived data this is the date when the data were processed.
Has the data been published before
If a metadata record for this dataset has been published before else elsewhere other than TERN, please select yes.
Previous Publication Date
This field will appear if the previous field has been indicated as a ‘Yes’, i.e. the record has been publish before. Please specify the date of the original publication.
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