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In the UQRDM , each SuperSite has its own directory to upload images. Site PIs that are assigned to a SuperSite can upload and manipulate their supersite images in CloudStor through their directory, e.g. /Boyagin/Data/Ecoimages for the Boyagin site.
NOTE: Within each site, a standard directory structure is required for each image type to allow for automatic ingestion of uploaded images. Follow the instructions for each of the specific image types. If additional sites or image types need to be uploaded, please contact esupport@tern.org.au.
All PIs can view, but not upload or edit the images from other SuperSites. The directory to view images (e.g. /Sites/CowBay/Data/Ecoimages) differs from the directory path to upload images (see above) to avoid errors. Both locations point to the same files in the underlying system.
The sites and their relevant UQRDM directory locations are listed in the table below.
Site | Directory path to upload images by Site collaborators | Directory path to view images |
Alice Mulga SuperSite | /AliceMulga/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/AliceMulga |
Boyagin Wandoo Woodland SuperSite | /Boyagin/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Boyagin |
Calperum Mallee SuperSite | /Calperum/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Calperum |
Cumberland Plain SuperSite | /CumberlandPlain/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/CumberlandPlain |
FNQ Rainforest SuperSite - Cowbay | /CowBay/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/CowBay |
FNQ Rainforest SuperSite – Cape Tribulation | /CapeTribulation/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/CapeTribulation |
FNQ Rainforest SuperSite – Robson Creek | /RobsonCreek/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/RobsonCreek |
Fletcherview Tropical Rangeland | /Fletcherview/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Fletcherview |
Gingin Banksia Woodland SuperSite | /Gingin/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Gingin |
Great Western Woodlands SuperSite | /GreatWesternWoodlands/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/GreatWesternWoodlands |
Litchfield Savanna SuperSite | /Litchfield/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Litchfield |
Mitchell Grass Rangeland SuperSite | /MitchellGrassRangeland/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/MitchellGrassRangeland |
SEQ Peri-urban SuperSite - Samford | /SamfordPeriUrban/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/SamfordPeriUrban |
Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt SuperSite | /Tumbarumba/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Tumbarumba |
Victorian Dry Eucalypt SuperSite - Whroo | /Whroo/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Whroo |
Victorian Dry Eucalypt SuperSite - Wombat | /WombatStateForest/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/WombatStateForest |
Warra Tall Eucalypt SuperSite | /Warra/Data/EcoImages | /Sites/Warra |
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