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Five Point Photopoint
Please upload the original files from the camera. Do not rename or modify the files.
Use the following directory pattern to upload your images (full path): /<site_name>/Data/EcoImages/PhotoPoint/plot_id/YYYYMMDD/<position>
e.g. /GreatWesternWoodlands/Data/EcoImages/PhotoPoint/core1ha/20200106/NE/E_IMG001.jpgplot_id = core1ha or other plot name as per table below.
YYYYMMDD = date of image capture, also known as Site Visit ID.
Position = position on plot (NE, NW, SE, SW, C).
Direction = (optional) prefix image name with direction, e.g. E_IMG0359.jpg. If the photos were taken in correct order then this is not necessary. Correct direction order is [N, E, S, W] and [NE, SE, SW, NW].
Within each position folder [NE, NW, SE, SW, C]:
If the photographs were taken in the correct order, i.e. [N, E, S, W] for plot corners or [NE, SE, SW, NW] for the centre, there is no need to rename the images. The direction will be assigned based on the order of the images in the CloudStor directory.
If the photographs were not taken in order, please add a prefix to the image name to indicate its direction, e.g. E_IMG_1358.jpg for east.
Two examples are given below, one where images are prefixed with direction and another example where this is not necessary.
Example 1. Photographs were not taken in the correct order, therefore filenames are prefixed with a direction.
Example 2. Photographs were taken in correct order. Therefore, direction is not required.
site | plot options (for LAI, Panorama and Photopoint) |
all | core1ha |
AliceMulga | tte, tower_footprint |
Calperum | callitris, floodplain |
GreatWesternWoodlands | blackbutt, gimlet, redgum |
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