Monitoring statistics (so far)

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Monitoring statistics (so far)

 The table below presents some statistics for TERN's Ecosystem Surveillance Monitoring program as per February 2018:

TypeConcept (metric)Count

Plots Surveyed582
Plots with Point Intercept data550
Plots with NVIS level 5 Structural Summary information550
Plots with Photo Panoramas550
Plots with Basal Area measurements307
Plots with Leaf Area Index (LAI) data292

Plant voucher specimens collected30,047
Plant specimens in herbaria3,519
Leaf tissue samples available34,818
Species collected (number)4,040
Species collected (% of national species)9.4%

Soil samples (500g) collected15,032
Soil bulk density measurements available1,289
Soil metabarcoding samples available5,382
Soil samples for metagenomic analysis weight (kg)2,691

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