Visualising site locations using GeoJSON data with RStudio

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Visualising site locations using GeoJSON data with RStudio

GeoJSON data can be parsed using R to create a plot that visualises the geographic range of your TERN EcoPlots dataset. The GeoJSON data that is included in TERN data package downloads can be parsed immediately to create a plot that visualises the geographic range of your TERN EcoPlots dataset. Below is an example of such a basic plot.

Below is the script used to created the above plot. It contains code comments to give a basic explanation of each element of the plot creation process.


Before running the script in R or RStudio, there are a number of setup steps needed.

# R package libraries required library(geojsonio) library(tidyverse) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(sf) library(rnaturalearth) library(rnaturalearthdata) # read in data from the GeoJSON file plants <- geojson_read("geojson_PlantsInWA.json") # some general exploration of our data View(plants) summary(plants) str(plants$features) # Visualisation preparation tasks # Transform GoeJSON data into a dataframe named plant_polys plant_polys <- lapply(1:length(plants$features), function(i){ tmpdata <- plants$features[[i]]$geometry$coordinates[[1]][1] %>% data.frame() %>% rename('longitude'='.') %>% mutate(latitude= plants$features[[i]]$geometry$coordinates[[2]][1]) %>% tibble %>% mutate(siteName = plants$features[[i]]$properties$siteName) }) %>% bind_rows() # Have a look at how the dataframe is structured str(plant_polys) # Specifically every row print(plant_polys, n=40) # Some site names contain a comma then further information. # This will make the plot site names look a bit messy. # OPTIONAL - truncate title to look neater on the plot shortSiteName <- sapply(str_split(plant_polys$siteName,",",),'[',1) # import world country polygons from the rnaturalearth package world <- ne_countries(scale = "large", returnclass = "sf") # Create the visualisation # Draw a plot from the dataframe # using the world country polygons as the background ggplot(data = world) + geom_sf() + geom_point(data = plant_polys, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude), size = 1, shape = 23, fill = "darkgreen") + coord_sf(xlim=c(114,124), ylim=c(-36,-29), expand = FALSE) + labs(x = 'Longitude', y = 'Latitude', title = "TERN Plots with identified plant species data in Western Australia") + annotate("label", x = plant_polys$longitude + 0.7, y = plant_polys$latitude + 0.25, label = shortSiteName, size = 3.5, color = "darkgreen" )

The final step is to export your plot image using the “Export” option from the plot viewer or the Plots menu.

This is a basic example of one of the many ways that GeoJSON data can be visualised using R. We recommend visiting sites such as The R Graph Gallery for ideas on ways to customise the aesthetics of your plot.

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