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How to access chromatic coordinates data of Phenocam images

  1. Go to ecoimages.tern.org.au and click the “Sign in” button.

EcoImages landing page
  1. Click “Search” to go to the search page.

EcoImages search page
  1. Click “Image Types and Camera Types” from the left pane and pick “Phenocam” from the dropdown list.

  1. Now you can choose either from the “Download Options”:

    1. Images with Chromatic Coordinates

    2. Only Chromatic Coordinates

  1. Select “Only Chromatic Coordinates” and click the “Download” button from the top.

  1. Click the “+” button on the left to verify the filter conditions you’ve selected:

  1. Fill in necessary input fields; “Title” is mandatory, “Description” is optional.

  1. Click “Request Data” to direct to my downloads page. You will receive an email notification once the data is ready for download. When the Status becomes “Ready for download”, you can download the package. Click on the “:" button.

  1. Choose “Download” to download the package:

Choose “Mint DOI” to generate a DOI for the dataset. You will be asked to confirm the title and description before users can click the “Mint DOI” button.

Choose “Edit” to update the package title and description:

Choose “Delete” to delete the selected package:

  1. The package will be downloaded to the local folder as a zip file.

  1. Unzip the file:

chromatic_coordinates.csv file contains all information of the chromatic coordinates data;

chromatic_coordinates_data_dict.csv is the data dictionary to describe the columns of the chromatic_coordinates.csv file.

  1. If from step 4, choose “Images with Chromatic Coordinates”, be aware that the max download limit for one package is 18GB, You can add more filter conditions to make the package size smaller than 18 GB.

  1. The package will be prepared from the server and zipped as a single file to download when it’s ready. You don't have to wait for the package to be ready; you'll receive an email notification once it is prepared.

  1. The package will have images along with chromatic coordinates data:

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