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SHaRED: How to complete the Who tab
The Who tab provides fields to indicate people responsible for collecting or processing the data as well as to indicate the Point of Contact for the dataset.
At least one person must be designated as an “Author” (usually the Lead Researcher).
The submission may have multiple “Authors” and “Co-authors”. These roles will appear in the data set citation.
At least one person must be designated as the “Point of Contact” for enquiries about the data.
How to add the party Responsible for the creation of dataset
Add all parties involved in the creation of the dataset here. When selecting the roles please note the following:
A person or an organisation can be selected as responsible for the creation of the dataset. Please click on the corresponding [Add] button. If a person is selected, you will still need to specify their affiliation. See below.
At least one person/organisation should be added with the role "author".
Names of those assigned as Authors and Co-authors will appear in the citation statement.
Authors will appear first in the citation, in the order specified in this list.
Co-authors will appear after the Authors, and in the order specified in this list. E.g. this list:
will result in the following citation:
Definitions for each role is available here, under CI_RoleCode https://wiki.esipfed.org/ISO_19115_and_19115-2_CodeList_Dictionaries#CI_RoleCode
To change the order you can move the Persons by clicking on the eight dot icon on the left hand side of the name, and dragging them to the correct position.
Adding new and existing Party (person(s)) related to the dataset
To add a person to this list:
Click [Add person].
Select the Role, e.g. author:
Search for the Person using the the drop down list. Type the first few letters to search the list. This list includes Persons that are already part of TERN’s controlled vocabulary. When you select a Person the following fields will auto-populate: Given name, Surname, Email address, ORCHID ID (if available).
If the Person is not available in the list, click [Add] to specify a new Person. A data curator will review the new Person. Please provide the following information:
Given name
Email Address
ORCID ID (if available)
5. Click [Save]
6. Search for the associated Organisation using the the drop down list. Type the first few letters to search the list. This list includes Organisations that are already part of TERN’s controlled vocabulary. When you select an Organisation, the address will appear next to it.
7. If the Organisation is not available in the list, click [Add] to specify a new Organisation. A data curator will review the new Organisation. Please provide the following information:
Organisation name
Street name:TERN prefers to provide the address that would be given to a taxi driver or parcel courier delivering to the office. If you do not have these details provide the postal address.
Postel Code
Email Address
8. Click [Save] to save the new organisation.
9. Click [Save] to save the the Person.
9. If both the Person and their Organisation were selected from the existing lists, the entry will appear in green. If either the Person or their Organisation were newly created, the entry will appear in red. A data curator will review new entries. Once approved they will become green.
10. To delete a Person, click on the [x] button on the right hand side.
Adding new and existing Party (organisation(s)) related to the dataset
Click [Add organisation].
Selec the Role, e.g. author:
Search for the Organisation using the the drop down list. Type the first few letters to search the list. This list includes Organisations that are already part of TERN’s controlled vocabulary. When you select an Organisation the following fields will auto-populate: Organisation Name, Campus/Sitename, Street name, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Email address (if available).
If the Organisation is not available in the list, click [Add] to include a new Organisation. The data curator will review the new Organisation details and make them part of Organisation controlled vocabulary. Please provide the following information:
Organisation name
Street name: TERN prefers to provide the address that would be given to a taxi driver or parcel courier delivering to the office. If you do not have these details provide the postal address.
Postel Code
Email Address
Click [Save] twice to save the new Organisation.
If the Organisation was selected from the existing list, the entry will appear in green. If it was newly created, the entry will appear in red. A data curator will review new entries. Once approved they will become green.
To delete a Parameter, click on the [x] button on the right hand side.
How to add the Point of contact for the dataset
The Point of contact should be able to provide information about the dataset to other users.
A Point of contact can be a person or an organisation.
To add a Point of contact click either [Add person] or [Add organisation]. To complete these fields, refer to the instructions provided above for the Responsible for the creation of the dataset field.
SHaRED: How to complete the Who tab | If a Person is responsible for the creation of the dataset
Click the [Save] button to store the changes to the record (top right above the tabs).
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