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Using Dropbox within CoESRA
The CoESRA virtual environment allows Dropbox files to be accessible directly from the desktop.
When Dropbox is launched from the CoESRA folder within the Applications menu, a browser window will be opened (as shown below) to allow the user to login to their Dropbox account.
After successfully logging in, a permission page will be shown to seek user’s consent to grant the required permissions, in which the user must response with “ALLOW”.
This will allow the user’s Dropbox drive to be appear as a volume or folder within the “Computer”.
To logout of your Dropbox account, right-click the Dropbox volume and select “Unmount” from the menu.
Synchronise files
To synchronise with dropbox drive, unmount the Dropbox volume and then start Dropbox.
It should be noted that the Dropbox volume will only reflect the content of your Dropbox drive at the time it is started in COESRA; it does not automatically show additional files/folders that are added outside of COESRA.
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