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Example Data Searches in EcoPlots
Examples of finding data
This section gives specific use cases for three different ecological projects.
Example One - Biomass of Eucalypts
We want to find out what data is available on EcoPlots for the above-ground biomass of eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp.) in Australia.
In the Parameters filter, select
“above-ground biomass” from the dropdown menu. Make sure to click “Show Results” after your selection.In the Species Name filter input textbox,
type the string: Eucalyptus then press enter on the keyboard.
Exploring the Results
There will now be two tabs in the top left corner of the results panel - the original “site visit” tab and an extra tab labelled “plant individual”. You can swap between the tabs to view subsets of the data available from this search.
When you are satisfied with your generated results, click the Get Data button to initiate a data download request. This will enable you to download the dataset to your local computer for analysis. For further information about downloading data, please visit the Downloading Data page.
Example Two - Plant Species in Western Australia
We want to find all the records that contain identified plant species observed within TERN survey sites in Western Australia.
In the Region Types and Regions filter, select States and Territories from the Region Types dropdown menu and Western Australia from the Region dropdown menu. Make sure to click “Show Results” after your selection.
In the Features Types filter, select “plant individual”. Make sure to click “Show Results” after your selection.
In the Parameters filter, select “scientific name”. Make sure to click “Show Results” after your selection.
Exploring the Results
Similar to the previous example, two tabs will now be in the top left corner of the results panel - the original “site visit” tab and an extra tab labelled “plant individual”. You can swap between the tabs to view subsets of the data available from this search.
When you are satisfied with your generated results, click the “Get Data” button to initiate a data download request. This will enable you to download the dataset to your local computer for analysis. For further information about downloading data, please visit the Downloading Data page.
Example Three - Wallabies and Pademelons
We want to find what data EcoPlots contains about Wallabies (genuses: Notamacropus, Petrogale, Wallabia, Onychogalea) and Pademelons (genus: Thylogale).
In the Species Name filter input text box, type the string: Notamacropus, Petrogale, Wallabia, Onychogalea, Thylogale
In the Parameter filter dropdown, select “scientific name”.
Exploring the Results
There will now be multiple tabs in the top left corner of the results panel - the original “site visit” tab and any extra tabs allow you to explore the dataset further.
Swapping between the tabs allows you to view subsets of the data available from this search.
When you are satisfied with your generated results, click the “Get Data” button to initiate a data download request. This will enable you to download the dataset to your local computer for analysis. For further information about downloading data, please visit the Downloading Data page.
The next pages in this section give an overview of how to download data.
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