SHaRED Drone Submission Example Walkthrough

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SHaRED Drone Submission Example Walkthrough

The full SHaRED user guide can be found here. The following is a series of screen captures, with the purpose of showing an example of a drone specific submission through SHaRED. The final result of the submission can be viewed here.

Getting Started

Log in to SHaRED, you will be asked to authenticate via AAF

  1. Click to Create new Record

  2. Add a title for the submission

  3. Pick TERN Template as the Template

Data Identification

  1. Create a title that reflects the data submission

  2. Add a topic (ISO)

  3. Set status to completed if this is a self contained one-off dataset

  4. The date that the metadata is submitted



  1. Abstract, give an overview

  2. Purpose, including potential use of the data

  3. Enter Research theme keywords (GCMD Science Keywords)

  4. Enter Research theme keywords (ANZSRC Fields of Research)

  5. Adding Parameters

  6. Adding Horizontal Resolution

  7. Adding Platform

  8. Adding Horizontal resolution

  9. Adding Platform

  10. Adding Instrument

  11. Adding Additional Keywords


Adding Start and End Date.


  1. Click to add new

  2. Add Long Lat coordinates of the centre of the dataset. Make west and east limit the same, make north and south limit the same.


  1. Adding a data creation procedure

  2. Type a statement to indicate the results of the data quality assessment


Adding authors and points of contact

Data Quality

  1. Adding a summary of the Data Quality Assessment

  2. Option for adding an online Data Quality Assessment

  3. Adding a statement regarding the Data Quality Assessment Outcome


  1. Adding an Acknowledgement

Data Sources

Due to its large size, drone data will typically be put into place on TERN infrastructure. The user can then provide a link to the hosted data.


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