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How to complete the Identification Tab


Complete the following fields for the Data identification tab:

Field Label



Field Label




Type the Document Title

Mandatory. Defaults from the Create record screen. The Title should describe the data set. Suggested guideline for the title: What [Where, How, When]

Parent Metadata

Select ‘Yes’ if a one exists and select one form the drop down list

Optional field

By default this field is selected as ‘No’

Topic Categories

Select one or more topics from a list defined by ISO.

Mandatory. If the wrong item was selected, click [-] to remove.

A requirement for ISO 19115-3 compliance.

Status of data

Select from the list to indicate whether data collection is ongoing or completed.



Indicate the version. By default this value will be 1.0


Maintenance/Update Freq

Selects an item from the drop down list 

This is mandatory only when the Status of Data is either Planned/OnGoing

Date the resource was created

Indicate the creation date of the record set


Has the data been published before

Indicate whether a previous version or data has been published

Optional field. The ‘No’ is selected by default

Previous Publication Date

This field will appear if the previous field has been indicated as a ‘Yes’

Will become mandatory if a ‘Yes’ was selected for the previous field

Click the [Save] button to store the changes to the record (top right above the tabs).

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