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Land surface temperature

The MODIS/Terra and Aqua daily Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity products (short names MOD11A1 and MYD11A1) incorporate 1 km pixels, which are produced daily using the generalized split-window LST algorithm. This algorithm is optimally used to separate ranges of atmospheric column water vapor and lower boundary air surface temperatures into tractable sub-ranges. The surface emissivity's in bands 31 and 32 are estimated from land cover types. The MODIS/Terra 8-day Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (short name MOD11A2) product is composed from the daily MOD11A1 product.

Data are derived from the MODIS Land Products that are distributed by the LPDAAC as tiles from a global sinusoidal projection. Tiles for selected products for Australia have been downloaded and then mosaiced and remapped using the Modis Reprojection Tool (MRT). The products have been split into individual bands to reduce file size and have been reformatted to ensure consistency in SDS and attribute nomenclature.

MODIS Land Products explained


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