2022-08-16 Meeting notes

2022-08-16 Meeting notes


Aug 16, 2022


  • @TERN Data

  • @Habacuc FM (Unlicensed)

  • @Javier Sanchez

  • @Edmond Chuc (Unlicensed)

  • Felicity Smith

  • Matt Miles


  • update on the progress on the BDBSA data ingestion


 Discussion topics











Siddeswara Guru



Data ingestion Update

@Habacuc FM (Unlicensed)

mapping and ingestion of (notice we have only ingested samples not all records):

      -birds (n = 2,766,896) to occurrences (11 parameters + attributes)

  • mammals (n = 347,403) have been divided into:

  • individuals (records that have morphometrics, e.g. body mass, head length, total length; usually number of individuals observed ~ 1, 29 parameters + attributes)

            -occurrences (does not have morphometrics and can be 1 or more animals, sometimes number of animals unknown; 20 parameters + attributes): 

mapping of:

  • fish (n = 278,915) have  been mapped to occurrences (16 parameters + attribute)


EcoPlots Feature Update and Demo

@Javier Sanchez


Future Work


reptiles and amphibians data mapping

Invertebrate data mapping

create all methods vocabularies

need to create a metadata record.

  • need further metadata information.



Action & next meeting details



 Action items

@Javier Sanchez and @Edmond Chuc (Unlicensed) to prepare a link like this https://github.com/ternaustralia/bdr-faealla-worked-example for the next meeting
Matt and Felicity to provide data for projects information
Matt and Felicity to decide whether project number is required explicitly
@Javier Sanchez reduce the number of decimals on the altitude variable
@Habacuc FM (Unlicensed) to catchup with Felicity to discuss:
FOI classification for animal observation with multiple counts and morphometrics measurement on same feature of interest (i.e. same row on the table)
What to do with data with 0 values on NUMBOSERVED (is it true zeroes or something else?)


  1. separate NUMOBSERVED variables into presence and number of individuals observed
  2. RECSTATUS to not be ingested

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