2022-08-18 Meeting notes
Aug 18, 2022
@Habacuc FM (Unlicensed)
Get source data (database or tables or csv) for information here https://apps.environment.sa.gov.au/emap/envmaps-query.do?cmd=su.SurveySummaryMain
confirm what to do with '?', currently excluding
Herbarium collection codes vocabulary
Updates from the last meeting
Check on mapping for plant voucher
Check suoverstorey
Check if non-woody vegetation needs to be filtered out
how to filter out non-woody vegetation?
Check plant community mapping
the STRLIFEFORMNR and PROJFOLCOVERNR fields from the lustrformation table. Seem to be extra descriptors already covered in the structural formation table. They have been added as part of the structural formation definition
Check the mapping of the variables in tern_suoverstorey and tern_plant_community
Check animal occurrences
what to do with 0 values in NUMOBSERVED?
Check vertebrates mapping and follow-up questions
What does the RECSTATUSCODE apply to? It seems to be for taxonomy, we will exclude it for the time being or put it as an attribute of the scientific name A: probably to taxonomy. Pull both out?
Confirm the Number of traps of A and B is to be added as total per trap per site as the trap data is at the site visit resolution
Add TISSUE? If it gets added then information about the specimen should be provided at least URI, and where is being held.
We need invertebrate names (similar to vssp table))
Snout units bearded dragon snout 1500 (does not make sense, maybe 150 mm?). It could also be a bad match with taxonomy.
definition for activity “Attracted”
Preflabel and definition for TBD33,TBD34, TBD35 from MACROHABNR
confirm that morphometric are not averages (e.g. when NUMOBSERVED > 1)
carapace length is appearing in FISH records, this does not seem right. Check logic of taxonomy and LENGTH
there are frog records with fork length, this seems incorrect. Confirm what to do with this
confirm trapping effort variables for each group
birds :
it may only apply to bats? Are there any variables that apply to birds
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| FIRE scars |
| @Javier Sanchez Fire scars – the database forms has Y or N as the dropdown for ISFIRESCARS field and then a field for ISFIREYRCERTAIN and some are ? so means no one knows but at the site must have seen indication of fires on trees or ground. so we could ignore or leave as Y they were there but not sure when they arose from |
| herbarium records |
| Only use AD is the decision accuracy code apply to date and are unnecessary DeterminerN1 codes to get peoples names can be matched to codes in suobserver table |
Check suoverstorey | It may not be possible to filter out non-woody species A: maybe it is not possible. we will add note to methods that sysa that this measurements meant fo rwoody but some non-woody may be there | ||
| tern_suoverstorey and tern_plant_community |
| ready |
| tissue |
| Tissues – we link the tissue to the museum specimen voucher number eg M12345 but at the museum the tissue goes off to the tissue collection and we don’t receive that unique number. |
| animal occurrences |
| separate into presence and number observed |
| morphometrics |
| They are done at the individual level. For fish length data – the lengths are for an individual and they should have a numobserved as 1 but having a number greater than 1 is wrong. We have been trying to make sure people send it as numobserved = 1 when there is length data and then rest is numobserved = x. So really should be treated as individuals and number observed is valid and separate. But you understand the mapping better so will let you digest tha |
| invertebrate data taxonomy |
| Should be in same table as vertebrate data, database version is not uodated and therefore a lot of rows are dropped |
Action items
- presence to CV with two values (none observed and present)
- Only record prepend with “AD” is used in herbarium specimens
- NUMOBSERVED as a string as it contains range values (e.g. a single observation can be “100-1000”)
- NUMBER of traps values to be sum at the site level across (“A” and “B” values)
- Morphometrics values are assumed to come from single animals including fish
- Filter all records by