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Text-based search:

From the TDDP Home page, users can enter any text in the search bar to search for relevant TERN data.


Alternatively, users can also use the free text search box to search terms or phrases from the Search page. This option gives users the ability to include or exclude certain terms to expand or contract their search. To search for results with exact terms (e.g. an exact phrase), users should include quotation marks when searching.

Additionally, from the Search page, users can build searches which include or exclude certain terms or phrases, and can use the expand option to include other terms which may or may not be contained in results. An example of how these search options can be used to return results is shown below.


Search Results page

When users search data using one of the methods above, they are redirected to the TDDP Search page to see results. Users can also search directly from this page, with dataset records shown on and listed beneath the map, defaulting to 10 results per page. Both the number of records displayed per page and the visibility of the map can be changed by the user. From this page, users can view, access or further refine results using the various filters on the left of the screen.

Next Page: Searching Using Facets

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