Rainforest Structure Table (Rainforest Vegetation Structure)
Example row:
2714 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2289 | 2014-01-28 13:35:40 |
Interpretation in TERN Plot Ontology
Encoding each row in RDF requires:
with the observation group encoded withdct:type
as Rainforest Vegetation Structure.
RDF Example
@prefix corveg-cv: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/corveg-cv/> .
@prefix corveg-rfstruct: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/corveg/rf-structure/> .
@prefix corveg-site: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/corveg/site/> .
@prefix data: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/datatype/> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix plot: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/plot/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sosa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/> .
@prefix ssn-ext: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/ext/> .
@prefix time: <http://www.w3.org/2006/time#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217 a ssn-ext:ObservationCollection ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure observation collection" ;
plot:wasSubActivityOf corveg-site:sitev-63217 ;
dct:type corveg-cv:9837c875-02c7-4ee0-99a9-27729443f874 ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
ssn-ext:hasMember corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-1,
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-5 .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-1 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure structural complexity observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:998c89b0-2e73-4c3f-9d1a-6a68229179eb ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:780e74af-aa8d-4818-9be8-46a5f58adbd5 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:8755d867-cb1c-45ec-8eda-4ffc4a941f7e ] .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-2 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure leaf size observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:098f6a5f-0bb0-405c-a473-37aaf63349ff ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:e0be16dd-c4f3-4f76-8eec-9b90be66aab2 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:8755d867-cb1c-45ec-8eda-4ffc4a941f7e ] .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-3 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure floristics observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:4e0d97d3-ee8b-47e8-b138-ff54892e27be ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:6716fa08-8b3c-496e-a0b2-a45cf288acf9 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:8755d867-cb1c-45ec-8eda-4ffc4a941f7e ] .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-4 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure indicator growth form observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:12c1d327-6a71-4653-9702-aa555d0a3d30 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:438a4748-b620-46aa-811a-a752cb9390de ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:8755d867-cb1c-45ec-8eda-4ffc4a941f7e ] .
corveg-rfstruct:rfs-63217-5 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Site 63217 rainforest structure leaf-fall characteristic observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-63217 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:6d698dd1-99f6-4739-b403-78a4d811208a ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:84c063b7-2db1-4ae1-89f6-ca38664114ef ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:8755d867-cb1c-45ec-8eda-4ffc4a941f7e ] .
corveg-site:t2019-05-28-h0-m0-s0 a time:Instant ;
time:inXSDDateTime "2019-05-28T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
Mapping Table
Source Column | Destination RDF Predicate | Comments |
| Domain: Range: |
| Domain: TERN: Structural Vegetation Formation CORVEG: Rainforest Vegetation Structure
| Domain: TERN: Structural Vegetation Formation CORVEG: Rainforest Vegetation Structure
| Domain: TERN: Structural Vegetation Formation CORVEG: Rainforest Vegetation Structure
| Domain: TERN: Structural Vegetation Formation CORVEG: Rainforest Vegetation Structure
| Domain: TERN: Structural Vegetation Formation CORVEG: Rainforest Vegetation Structure
| Not captured by TERN Plot Ontology. |
| Database entry or last modified time. Encoded with literal as type |