Disturbance Table
Example row:
11595 | 23362 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 999 | 999 | 999 | null | 118 | 2010-07-22 11:30:59 | null |
Interpretation in TERN Plot Ontology
Encoding each row in RDF requires:
with the observation group encoded withdct:type
as Disturbance.
RDF Example
@prefix corveg-cv: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/corveg-cv/> .
@prefix corveg-dist: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/corveg/disturbance/> .
@prefix corveg-site: <http://linked.data.gov.au/dataset/corveg/site/> .
@prefix data: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/datatype/> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix plot: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/plot/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sosa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/> .
@prefix ssn-ext: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/ext/> .
@prefix time: <http://www.w3.org/2006/time#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
corveg-dist:d-42500 a ssn-ext:ObservationCollection ;
rdfs:label "Site 13864 disturbance 42500 observation collection" ;
plot:wasSubActivityOf corveg-site:sitev-13864 ;
dct:type corveg-cv:2fdf7bc1-c16b-4fa9-8089-613a019df089,
corveg-cv:5775903a-6660-4061-9f97-96c14953f47e ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
ssn-ext:hasMember corveg-dist:d-42500-1,
corveg-dist:d-42500-6 .
corveg-dist:d-42501 a ssn-ext:ObservationCollection ;
rdfs:label "Site 13864 disturbance 42501 observation collection" ;
plot:wasSubActivityOf corveg-site:sitev-13864 ;
dct:type corveg-cv:5775903a-6660-4061-9f97-96c14953f47e,
corveg-cv:a5716c16-e982-47c6-911b-82e8f9ec655e ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
ssn-ext:hasMember corveg-dist:d-42501-1,
corveg-dist:d-42501-7 .
corveg-dist:d-42502 a ssn-ext:ObservationCollection ;
rdfs:label "Site 13864 disturbance 42502 observation collection" ;
plot:wasSubActivityOf corveg-site:sitev-13864 ;
dct:type corveg-cv:54e32ec7-a845-4c00-a65c-630600cc7cbf,
corveg-cv:5775903a-6660-4061-9f97-96c14953f47e ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
ssn-ext:hasMember corveg-dist:d-42502-1,
corveg-dist:d-42502-6 .
corveg-dist:d-42500-1 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 proportion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:208b787a-0beb-4a60-84cb-c5109634140f ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:fc91bf1b-d4c6-474d-a2e3-9fd246fb6187 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42500-2 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 age observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:5ec9e7e9-7f14-4529-824f-54e621b36f2e ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:6d5026c8-2299-42e3-8676-c3c1e1fca237 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42500-3 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 height observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:4b01bcd3-c1ce-442f-8730-4356574272fb ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:190abe24-8b80-46da-a66d-389429c2f538 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42500-4 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 grazing level observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:84335100-f7e6-436b-a629-55059253ef8d ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42500-5 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 erosion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:421a7d05-7b2e-4a92-bbd5-fa29da25842b ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42500-6 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42500 erosion severity observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:366de8d3-1888-4d60-b29f-ebf5d39e43b3 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:a7be444d-a3b0-443a-83da-b4d2f7fafd0a ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-1 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 proportion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:fc91bf1b-d4c6-474d-a2e3-9fd246fb6187 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-2 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 age observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:6d5026c8-2299-42e3-8676-c3c1e1fca237 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-3 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 height observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:190abe24-8b80-46da-a66d-389429c2f538 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-4 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 grazing level observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:84335100-f7e6-436b-a629-55059253ef8d ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-5 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 erosion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:421a7d05-7b2e-4a92-bbd5-fa29da25842b ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-6 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 erosion severity observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:366de8d3-1888-4d60-b29f-ebf5d39e43b3 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42501-7 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42501 weed cover observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Percent ;
data:value 1.00 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:37940a95-6ddc-440f-923e-5056f3e2bf8f ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:7c524b2d-76e3-4d48-ba09-72849e53bbf2 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-1 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 proportion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:fc91bf1b-d4c6-474d-a2e3-9fd246fb6187 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-2 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 age observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:6d5026c8-2299-42e3-8676-c3c1e1fca237 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-3 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 height observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:190abe24-8b80-46da-a66d-389429c2f538 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-4 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 grazing level observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:4750ac55-f12c-4298-9011-2d1c42216c4f ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:84335100-f7e6-436b-a629-55059253ef8d ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-5 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 erosion observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:421a7d05-7b2e-4a92-bbd5-fa29da25842b ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-dist:d-42502-6 a sosa:Observation ;
rdfs:label "Disturbance 42502 erosion severity observation" ;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest [ sosa:isSampleOf corveg-site:site-13864 ] ;
sosa:hasResult [ a data:Concept ;
data:value corveg-cv:acdd43b7-d277-4d22-8633-8999526c4232 ] ;
sosa:observedProperty [ a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
data:value corveg-cv:366de8d3-1888-4d60-b29f-ebf5d39e43b3 ] ;
sosa:phenomenonTime corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 ;
sosa:usedProcedure [ a sosa:Procedure ;
data:value corveg-cv:1cbfbb5f-226c-4dcf-9ed1-d135569e1084 ] .
corveg-site:t1996-06-11-h0-m0-s0 a time:Instant ;
time:inXSDDateTime "1996-06-11T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
Mapping Table
Source Column | Destination RDF Predicate | Comments |
| Encoded in the URIs of the |
| Domain: Range: |
| Domain: Range: a concept in the concept scheme Disturbance Type, matching on the |
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
| Not captured by TERN Plot Ontology. |
| Database entry or last modified time. Encoded with literal as type |
| Domain: TERN: Land Surface CORVEG: Disturbance
Action Items
or treat the value as null and not create it. See the Example RDF above for the Erosion Observation with a sosa:hasResult
value of Unrecorded.