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⚠️ Users must be logged into the Portal in order to save searches or add records to favourites.

For information on how to log in or register an account, see Logging to TERN Data Portals and Services.

Saving Searches

The save searches feature allows users to save and rerun searches that they have previously used. These searches are saved to the user account and can be edited or deleted as required.

To save a search, simply click “Save Search” at the bottom left of the Search page. If the user is not logged in, the page will redirect to the log in page. Otherwise, the user will see a pop up which asks for a title and description of the search, both of which are mandatory fields. Once these fields are completed, select “Add Search” to save it.


To see, edit or delete saved searches, navigate to the My Results menu at the top of the page and select My Searches. Note that the My Results menu only appears when users are logged in.


A list of searches will be displayed on the page. To see the search description previously entered, us the down arrow image-20241206-002710.png


To run a saved search, use the image-20241206-002828.png button. To edit a search, use the image-20241206-002953.png button. This will redirect the user to a new page in which the Title and Description of the search can be changed. Note that if the search terms need to be edited, users should delete and recreate the search.


To delete the search, use the image-20241206-002933.png on the My Searches page.

Note that users can save a maximum of 50 saved searches.

Adding Records to Favourites

Users can add records to a list of favourites, saved to their account. To add a record to favourites, select the record from the list of search results, using the down arrow image-20241206-002710.png on the result.

On the expanded record, select the “Add to Favourites” button. If users are logged in, this will add the record to the users list of favourites. However, if users select this without first logging in, they will be redirected to the log in page, with the record saved to their favourites automatically on log in.


Should users wish to first view the full record before adding to favourites, this can be done via the “View Metadata” option. Users can then add records to favourites from the record’s metadata page (top right corner). Records can also be removed from favourites from both this screen and the search results page, with the “Add to Favourites” buttons changing to “Remove Favourite” when a record has been saved.


Viewing Favourite Records

To view favourited records, users should navigate to the My Results menu at the top of the page and select My Favourites. Note that the My Results menu only appears when users are logged in.


From this page, users have the options to remove records from their list image-20241206-012024.png, view the record metadata image-20241206-012103.png (which will redirect the user to the full metadata page), or preview the record image-20241206-012305.png, which opens the description. To close the description, click the image-20241206-012344.png again.


Note that users can save a maximum of 50 records to their favourites.

 Next Page: Accessing and Exporting Data

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