Below is the overview of the alignment between TERN and BDBSA. The alignment will be broken by collection type, starting with plant records on the survey collection (appended with “SU” on tables). Individual data models and preprocessing steps will be displayed below.
This single table contains all of the survey- and opportunistic-based measurements on plants and animals.
For filtering the records into survey and observation-based the following joins are needed, table name convention would be tern_survey_suspecies
JOIN bdbsa.supatch sp ON sv."PATCHID" = sp."PATCHID" join bdbsa.suspecies spp on sv."VISITNR" = spp."VISITNR"
For getting the full scientific name
--This are the columns needed concat_ws(' ', fl."GENUS",fl."SP",fl."ISP1RANK",fl."ISP1",fl."ISP2RANK", fl."ISP2",fl."ISP3RANK",fl."ISP3",fl."SPAUTHOR",fl."ISP1AUTHOR", fl."ISP2AUTHOR",fl."ISP3AUTHOR") as species_name, --and the join is made on the suspecies and flsp tables join bdbsa.flsp fl on fl."NSXCODE" = spp."NSXCODE"
Preingestion processing of targeted tables
Survey columns
Select data for survey only
bdbsa.supatch."SITETYPE" = 'SU'
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