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How to share workflow in MyExperiment.org?

  • Once the user is logged in either using OpenID or local registration in MyExperiment.org, click on the “+ Create” drop down and “New workflow”.
  • Upload workflow page will appear. To upload a workflow click on the browse and select the workflow file.
  • Click on the “enter title and description manually” radio button
  • Select the type of workflow, which should be Kepler.
  • Give a descriptive title, which is appropriate to the workflow.
  • Write a description to the workflow, the description should describe what the workflow could accomplish.
  • Click on the tags and provide keywords to best describe your workflow.
  • Click on the “credit and Attribution” to add names of the workflow creators. All users should have an account in myExperiment.org.
  • Click on the “sharing” drop down menu to make a selection.
  • Click on the “License/Rights” drop down menu to select the license type.
  • Click on upload and continue.
  • Based on the assessment, system may make some automatic tag suggestions. Select any tag, which is relevant, and click on “finish” button.
  • make note of the url in the web browser since it is the URL used to access the workflow (sample below)

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