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TDDP Overview and Quick Start Guide
This quick start guide will help users to use the TERN Data Discovery Portal (TDDP). The URL to the portal is TERN Data Discovery Portal
Step-by-step instructions
Opening the link TERN Data Discovery Portal , users will be greeted with the below homepage.
From this page, there are six ways to search for TERN data:
Using the free-text search bar
Using the Themes of data collection (represented by the 9 squares in the grid, each from different data types/sources)
Using the Map-based search
Using the Platforms used in data collection
Using the Instruments used in data collection
Using the Data Parameters
When used, each of these options will either redirect users directly to the results for that search or allow the user to narrow their search criteria, before redirecting the user to the results located on the search page. Specific instructions on each search option are contained in the subsequent pages of this guide.
Note: Users do not need to log in to the TDDP before using the search functions or viewing search results. Users are required to log in to either save searches or mark records as favourites. For information on how to log in or register an account, see Logging to TERN Data Portals and Services.
Viewing Search Results and Metadata:
Search results are presented both on a map and as a list. Users have the option to disable the map if desired (toggle the map view button at the top of the map).
From this page (which users can also navigate to via the “Search” menu next to the button to return to the Home page), search results can be refined by the various filters provided, free text search or via a combination of both filters and free text search. Further details on search options and using the search functions are provided on https://ternaus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZAA5t.
To view the record for a search result, select the search result either on, or below the map and click on the View Metadata option. For records with larger descriptions, users can also select “Read more…” to view the full description of the record on the search results page.
Selecting 'View Metadata' will open a new tab displaying the record (metadata) details.
Users can then choose to access the data with the unique URLs provided on the page, in the ‘Access data' section. Please note the data Rights and Licensing section on the page, as well as TERN’s Terms of Use when accessing data.
Next Page: Searching for TERN Data
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