Below is the overview of alignment between TERN and CORVEG-QBEIS. Of notice is the addition of Site Visit table and Methods and Survey tables. Individual data models are displayed below this.
Disturbance data model
The data model for disturbance contains two tables of interest, disturbanceobservation and disturbancetypeassessment. The first contains measures of disturabcen prevalnce (e.g, cover , time since event), the latter contains disturbance presence.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
Divided by table below:
Value for presence is not boolean anymore, this has to be updated in mapping. CV for presence has to be created.
Three new variables have to be created for TREATMENT_PRESENCE, OTHER_PRESENCE, and STORM_PRESENCE disturbance types.
SEVERITYCODE gets separated into
erosion severity & animal grazing levelTIME gets sepaerated into time since fire, time since roadwork, time since storm
FIRETYPE new variable needs CV
PROPORTION gets separated into fire proportion, storm proportion, roadwork proportion
salinity proportionCOUNT gets separated into stumps count and treatment count
treatment count new variable, needs new defitinion
weed cover COVER
Ground layer data model
The data model for ground layer information (material covering the land surface) contains three tables of interest. The groundlayerobservation table contains information for species abundance. The groundlayercharacteristic table contains information on all non-living groudn cover (e.g. water, rock, litter). The groundlayer table contains information for vegetation cover. The coverquadrat table contains the raw information to generate the tables targeted above and currently is not targeted for ingestion.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
In groundlayer table divide vegetation cover by total cover to obtain the parameter groundcover -green.
Concatenate groundlayer with groundlayercharacteristic at the site-sitevisit level, check that total cover adds to 100%. This new table will be called tern_groundlayer.
Ingest groundlayerobservation table separately as tern_groundlayerobservation. Check update from Dale, if values are still zero then do not use them to calculate rel. abudance and make note on the methods that this are species present in very low that values that equal 0 are actually 0.01 as per manual, then add total. Create relative species abundace table, that is the division of each species cover by the total, create parameter for total spp cover.
For both new tables add new column for sample size (n = 5) and quadrat size (1m^2).
Geology data model
The geology data model contains a single data table. This table has only one new concept SUBSTRATEGENETICTYPECODE and accompanying CV table, this aside the data is the same as Old CORVEG.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
geology type values CV has to be updated
SUBSTRATEGENETICTYPECODE geology genetic type concept and CV has to be created
Landform data model
Landform contains a single data table, “landform”.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
Not needed.
Site and Location data model
This model contains information about the site, currently only location and site tables are ingested, while project and projectod are not. This decision may be revised in the future.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
In location table:
Use only one lat long and altitude value per site, implement logic for choosing:
centroid, if not
start, if not
end, if not
middle, if not
decide if site with no coordinates can be ingested
Implement similar logic for altitude choosing from mean, min or max, no problem if site does not have altitude
Join site and location table into tern_site table for easing mapping
Soil data model
Soil data model contains a single data table, “soil”.
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
Not needed.
Woody plants survey model
This model consists of the following data tables surveytaxabasalareaperspecies, surveytaxabasalareaperstrata, surveytaxacrowncoverperstratum, surveytaxastemdensityperspeciesperstrata, surveytaxastemdensityperstrata, surveytaxasummary. There are two relevant tabled with attributes for the data tables above: standardsurveyparameters and survey table.
Relevant models are the generic survey model and the woody plants survey model
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables
survey table: this is an attribute table with information on site_visit_id and samplelevel verification. As such it is excluded from the mapping but it should be join to survey tables
standardsurveyparameters table: join with relevant data tables using surveyid
Update CV for stratum ID
The following preprocessing steps are divided by table
surveytaxasummary table:
add plot area for stem density count, add basal area factor for basal area
surveytaxastemdensityperstrata table:
plot area for stem density count has to be added
surveytaxastemdensityperspeciesperstrata table:
plot area for stem density count has to be added.
surveytaxabasalareaperspeciesperstrata table:
add basal area factor and species name
surveytaxa table:
Species ID’s and level of identification (speciesidentificationcode) for species in survey tables.
Get COVERASSESSMENTMEASURECODE and COVERASSESSMENTMETHODCODE from standardsurveyparameter table. Get identification type dictionary from speciesidentification table
surveytaxabasalareaperspecies table:
add species name and basal area factor
surveytaxabasalareaperstrata table:
add basal area factor
surveytaxacrowncoverperstratum table:
surveytaxamethodobservation table:
attributes for other surveytaxa tables, unclear what column “value” is
Vegetation community data model
This model contains two relevant tables, vegeationcommunity and vegeationcommunitystructure
Pre-ingestion processing of targeted tables:
vegeationcommunity table:
Non-remnant parameter (Checked as non-remnant if site does not meet the criteria for mapping remnant vegetation (left blank if remnant)), transform to boolean
Add structural formation classification from standard survey parameters
vegetationcommunitystructure table:
Get plot area and shape from standarsurveyparameters table. Dictionary for plot shape in plotsizesampletype table. Get COVERASSESSMENTMEASURECODE and COVERASSESSMENTMETHODCODE from standardsurveyparameter table.
Note step below cannot be done currently, as raw data for this calculation does not exist: Calculate at the site-stratum level crown cover min, average and max from