Lithology of Coarse Fragments - there are duplicates but they have different definitions, please resolve so there is only one entry.
Size of Coarse Fragments - there are duplicates but they have different definitions, please resolve so there is only one entry.
In Soil Characterisation , the values for
are like 2.5YR2.54 or 10R34 or 7.5YR2.53. The letters are straight out of the Yellow Book but what do the numbers mean? I suspect the numbers may be a mixture of the other characteristics such as abundance or size, but I am not certain. @t.schroeder Learn the new vocabulary system (we no longer use PoolParty for its many restrictions).
@t.schroeder For each observation collection in each table, please state the observation group.
@t.schroeder Create methods for each observation.
@t.schroeder Is Land Surface observation group the same as Landscape Features in CORVEG?
@t.schroeder Definitions required for Disturbance and Land Surface
@t.schroeder Land Surface Assessment Methods does not have any methods.
@Edmond Chuc (Unlicensed) email Christine to write the methods for collecting samples
@t.schroeder Please add definitions for AusPlots observation groups
@t.schroeder Javier requires samples to have methods just like we have done so far for observations. Example Soil Subsite Observations has some todo in there. Are you able to create methods for those please?
@t.schroeder Soil surface condition observation in visit_surface_soil_condition has no method. It links to a non working CSIRO URI.
@t.schroeder Please start mapping AusPlots observable properties and observation groups to an upper TERN set of vocabulary terms.
@t.schroeder Please review the data:standard unit for “slope_angle“ in site_location since the definition is “Slope tangent expressed as a percentage.“ and perhaps is not correct unit.DEG. TS change definition to …expressed as degrees from horizontal.
@t.schroeder Please review the TODOs in all the pit_* columns in site_location_visit.
, multiple selections available,
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