If you need to download a small number of audio files from https://data.tern.org.au/ecoacoustics/ right click on the file and select Save Link As…

If you want to download a large number of files, we recommend using an API key and the WGET command line tool. These instructions will guide you through the process step by step.

Generate the API key

To generate an API Key, please visit the TERN Account portal at (https://account.tern.org.au) and Sign In. After signing in, follow the steps below.

Figure 1

Figure 2

After generating the API key, copy it (e.g. in Notepad) and store it in a secure place. Note: The API key is only displayed once in the API key Information page. For security reasons, it will not be shown or accessible afterwards. If you lose your API key, you need to generate a new one.

Install WGET

To download the data in bulk, you will be using the wget command line tool in PowerShell.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Please note that, in the example above, the part underlined in red identifies the local directory where PowerShell “is” at the moment. In this example, PowerShell is in C: > Users > uqegirol. uqegirol is my user name directory on my computer. Yours will be different.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Change directory

You can select where the data will be saved on your computer by changing the directory in PowerShell. If you are downloading a large amount of data, you may want to use an external hard drive.

Figure 7

In this example, I am using the Document folder on my laptop.

Figure 8

Downloading the data

wget.exe --mirror -np -e robots=off --user='<apikey>' --password='' https://data.tern.org.au/ecoacoustics/Calperum/Calperum01/2013/

wget.exe --mirror -np -e robots=off --user='MEN0aHJtSzZFd0FCTlZNMC5yd0BJaXY/bQlxOCE+Qn' --password='' https://data.tern.org.au/ecoacoustics/Calperum/Calperum01/audio_files/2013/

wget.exe --mirror -np -e robots=off --user='<apikey>' --password='' https://data.tern.org.au/ecoacoustics/RobsonCreek/RobsonCreek01/audio_files/2012/04/fnqr_robson-FNQ1-RBS_20120403_140000.flac

Please note that using:

Figure 9

Figure 10