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This page contains links to spatial layers that can be used to identify potential refugia in the arid and semi-arid region of western New South Wales, Australia. The layers were derived from Landsat data and the SRTM DEM. The layers and how they can be used are described in detail in a forthcoming publication (Gill et.al. 2015).

The layers are:



Product Link

Green Accumulation Index - NSW


Water count and water prevalence


Woody extent and foliage projective cover


Abstract from Gill et.al. In Review:

"The existence of vertebrate species in Australia’s arid and semi-arid interior is threatened by a future of more frequent and prolonged periods of hot, dry weather. So land managers in the region must identify and conserve refugia. But they can only assess a small number of sites on the ground because the area is remote, most places are difficult to access, and they are constrained by resources. Our intention was to create spatial layers to assist land managers find potential refugia, at the property scale, using desktop analyses prior to on-ground surveys. Land managers may also use the layers as evidence to justify the investment decisions to conserve the chosen sites."