You can specify Keywords relevant to your dataset in the What tab SHaRED: How to complete the What tab e.g. GCMD Science Keywords, ANZSRC Fields of Research, Parameters, etc…Some, like GCMD Science Keywords and ANZSRC Fields of Research are a mandatory ISO requirement.

Extract from Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) Metadata Good Practice Guide

“…Keywords are the important ideas and topics that summarise and define what your resource
is about. In most search engines, these are indexed and typically normalised to resemble the
base word in order to capture variations. Keywords are useful in discovering and organising

“…However, excessive use of keywords that target minor aspects of a resource should be avoided. Consider providing a limit to the number of keywords used and focus on those of most importance…”

General guidelines

For each parameter or observed property supplied in the dataset: