
There are 77 sites (at time of writing, December, 2020) in AusPlots Rangelands where the points in the site_location_point table fail to create a WKT polygon string using the Python Shapely library.

SPARQL query to retrieve the list of sites that do not have a polygon in AnzoGraph.

PREFIX geosparql: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
prefix tern: <>
prefix tern-loc: <>
select *
where {
  graph <http://ausplots> {
    ?site_uri a tern:Site .
    ?site_uri rdfs:label ?site_label .
    filter not exists {
      ?site_uri geosparql:hasGeometry ?geometry .
      ?geometry geosparql:asWKT ?geometry_wkt .
      ?geometry a ?geometry_type .
      filter(?geometry_type = tern-loc:Polygon)