when user make any selection from the home page, all the resultant records are shown in a Search Result Page.
The search result page enable users to refine their search based on facets. Following facets are available for search refinement:
regions - administrative area where data was collected,
temporal Date Range - Temporal extent of the records in the search result,
platform - Platform assist in data measurement
instrument - Instruments used in data measurement
parameter - observable property that is measured
GCMD - Global Change Master Directory - Science Keywords
Fields of Research - ANZSRC classification codes (https://www.arc.gov.au/manage-your-grant/classification-codes-rfcd-seo-and-anzsic-codes )
Australian Plant Name Index
Australian Fauna Directory
Horizontal Resolution - Spatial resolution classifiers
Temporal Resolution - Time resolution classifiers
License - Data licenses of the records from the search
Data Providers - Data Providing organisations
Authors - people responsible for data creation
Themes - TERN Themes for data classification
users can make selections in each of facet for finer refinement. Facets heading will be grey if there are no entry for selection.