This example demonstrates the modelling of a subset of the AusPlots Rangelands survey data to Plot-X.
Table of contents
AusPlots Rangelands namespaces
The namespaces defined here have precedence over the same prefixed namespaces defined in the Namespaces section above.
Type | Prefix | Namespace |
AusPlots site instances | site |
Object diagram
An object diagram overview of the below example data in Plot-X. It shows the relationships in the top-left corner between people, organisations and projects. The project has sites, and in the case of AusPlots Rangelands, it also has sub-sites to represent transects. Within these sites, multiple features of interest are identified. Observations and measurements are recorded. Within a site visit, a sampling event occurs, producing a vouchered plant specimen. Each entities have additional non-core attributes annotated with the Attribute entity.
orgID | name | contactPointPersonID | |
org:uni-of-adel | University of Adelaide | person:ben-sparrow | |
org:tern | TERN | person:beryl-morris |
personID | orgID | givenName | middleName | familyName | role | |
person:ben-sparrow | org:uni-of-adel | Ben | Sparrow | |||
person:emrys-leitch | org:uni-of-adel | Emrys | Leitch | | ||
person:beryl-morris | org:tern | Beryl | Morris | |
projectID | projectLocalID | projectStartDate | projectEndDate | projectName | projectOwnerPersonID | projectContactPointOrgID | projectDescription | projectFunderOrgID |
project:ausplots-rangelands | 2010-10-30 | AusPlots Rangelands | person:ben-sparrow | org:uni-of-adel | Through a plot-based method, AusPlots-Rangelands will provide the ecological infrastructure that will: quantify the richness and cover of plant species (including weeds); quantify the diversity and abundance of soil biodiversity; assess the state, spatial heterogeneity and structural complexity of vegetation, including life-stage; record vegetation and soil parameters that assist with the validation of remotely sensed ecological products; analyse vegetation structure and change based on a series of photo reference images; better estimate soil carbon and nutrient stocks; conduct taxonomic validation studies based on collected plant voucher specimens; conduct DNA barcoding and population genetic profiling based on collected tissue samples. For the Australian rangelands, the collation of these data will: increase understanding of the dynamics of plant species and soils; substantially increase knowledge of the carbon and other important nutrient budgets of the rangelands; improve quality of remote sensing products for rangelands; input into DNA barcoding of Australian vegetation; help understand the biogeography underpinning and threatening processes impacting Australian rangeland ecosystems; assist state and federal agencies to meet their monitoring and reporting obligations; create a photographic reference of Australia's rangeland bioregions to enhance existing state photo reference libraries; enable researchers and land managers to assess current land 'state' for a variety of purposes depending on how the data is used; identify the climate zones, bioregions, land types and ecosystems where changes are occurring and the management regimes and/or pressures contributing to these changes. Overall this information will progress understanding of ecosystem processes, structure and function, and more generally progress understanding of the response to disturbance and longer term environmental change of rangeland ecosystems, which underpins sustainable management practice. | org:tern |
personID | projectID |
person:ben-sparrow | project:ausplots-rangelands |
person:emrys-leitch | project:ausplots-rangelands |
siteID | siteLocalID | projectID | parentSiteID | siteType | dateCommissioned | dateDecommissioned | locationDescription | siteDescription | dimension | geometry | swPoint |
site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | SASMDD0002 | project:ausplots-rangelands | | 2015-04-25 | Calperum Station. 9.3km north of homestead.24km north of Renmark | Swale in low dunefield. Very gentle slope to the north. Northern edge is just on the edge of dune slope. Fire- south east corner was burnt in January 2014. Rest of the site is long unburnt. Fire has come in 30m at the south east corner. Some scattered surface strew- limestone but low cover. Introduced plant effect is minimal- none noted. Homogeneity- community is contained to the plot at the moment due to effect of fire. Some Eucalyptus gracilis close to the road have been cut for timber but have long regenerated. | POLYGON((144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778, 144.70158888888886 -24.737247222222223, 144.70259166666665 -24.737241666666666, 144.7025861111111 -24.738152777777778, 144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778)) | POINT(144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778) | |||
site:3ce78edb-f6c2-4be0-9583-96b3006b259c | project:ausplots-rangelands | site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | | 2015-04-25 | |||||||
site:f814eed3-bf8c-475f-afd5-3610f2ffb666 | SATFLB0026 | projects:ausplots-rangelands | | 2014-10-29 | Ridgetop in Montacute Conservation Park, 17kms east of Adelaide. | Steep, Mountainous site. Long unburnt- some old scarring on trunks. Fire close by more recently ( over ridge top) Introduced plant effect is moderate- includes Senecio pterophorus, Genista monspessulana and Briza maxima. Rubus sp. also- more dense in south eastern corner in gully. 45-35 degree slope- varies somewhat through the site. Some boulders and outcrop- check soil sheet for lithology. Grazing effect- some from goats and deer. Tracks and scats within the site. | POINT(138.78705, -34.88775555555556) |
attributeID | siteID | attributeLabel | attribute | result | resultType | resultUOM |
attr:18ef0942-dcdc-4076-8490-f52e4e09cda6 | site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | bioregion | | | ||
attr:a78e3ed9-41cf-471e-bbc5-9d799a8ebb7e | site:3ce78edb-f6c2-4be0-9583-96b3006b259c | transect direction | | W1-E1 | | |
attr:800f5f85-6646-475a-92ab-0216ad66aa13 | site:f814eed3-bf8c-475f-afd5-3610f2ffb666 | bioregion | | |
siteVisitID | siteVisitLocalID | siteID | siteVisitStartDate | siteVisitEndDate | locationDescription | siteDescription |
site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | 57000 | site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | 2015-04-25 | Calperum Station. 9.3km north of homestead.24km north of Renmark | Eucalypt species combined for basal wedge. Used eucalyptus leptophylla but there were other eucalyptus species in the basal counts. | |
site-v:c2526c82-f60c-4a23-850b-5a9965b973b0 | site:3ce78edb-f6c2-4be0-9583-96b3006b259c | 2015-04-25 | ||||
site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | 57001 | site:f814eed3-bf8c-475f-afd5-3610f2ffb666 | 2014-10-29 | Ridgetop in Montacute Conservation Park, 17kms east of Adelaide. | Standard soil, soil metagenomic, vegetation vouchers and genetic/isotope samples are available for use by researchers. To find out how to access AusPlots' samples, contact: |
featureID | featureLocalID | siteVisitID | featureType | parentFeatureID | comment | latitude | longitude | elevation | altitude | depth | geometry |
feat:66bb6c8c-ea24-4d9b-922b-e51f227e90a1 | 471159 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | BASAL_AREA table | |||||||
feat:7ff6e3b3-bf5f-4545-bb18-58dcf1b84357 | 471160 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | BASAL_AREA table | |||||||
feat:e65ecf9e-aa2b-4424-9d43-ab8d7fb9dcd0 | 471161 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | BASAL_AREA table | |||||||
feat:18fbad2d-607b-4443-984d-91972f2306bb | 54571506 | site-v:c2526c82-f60c-4a23-850b-5a9965b973b0 | | POINT_INTERCEPT table | |||||||
feat:ead338db-7e57-4c23-938e-473144046d9f | 54571507 | site-v:c2526c82-f60c-4a23-850b-5a9965b973b0 | | POINT_INTERCEPT table | |||||||
feat:f7ed797c-5096-4857-a619-1ebeab9a9c4e | 54571507 | site-v:c2526c82-f60c-4a23-850b-5a9965b973b0 | | POINT_INTERCEPT table | |||||||
feat:24ac7dbb-b443-4f84-a7d8-c30c1784555e | 52478 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | STRUCTURAL_SUMMARY table | |||||||
feat:4ac7edfc-a4cf-41af-a720-8052b53bf8ec | 52478 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | STRUCTURAL_SUMMARY table | |||||||
feat:7fdf0eb2-ef60-40ae-b295-bb29482046c5 | 52478 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | STRUCTURAL_SUMMARY table | |||||||
feat:0fed8d87-45bf-42e8-8b62-5a658f94fce6 | 52478 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | STRUCTURAL_SUMMARY table | |||||||
feat:33116297-980e-40f3-9b1a-52f4069f03c9 | SAS001754 | site-v:14498407-77a3-40f5-a449-6031c4b77667 | | VEG_VOUCHERS table | |||||||
feat:dc9623f4-910a-4a7a-bd1d-ae440380eb5a | 65702 | site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | | SOIL_BULK_DENSITY table | |||||||
feat:3680f723-119e-4de0-9f7b-09762daaac23 | 56563 | site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | | VISIT_SURFACE_SOIL_CONDITIONS table | |||||||
feat:7f8b355b-087d-4276-a3d6-fab8e237d356 | 120391 | site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | | SOIL_CHARACTERISATION table | |||||||
feat:d32c8509-b53e-4e03-9bc4-d2d59246c94d | 333243 | site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | | SOIL_SUBSITE_OBSERVATIONS table | |||||||
feat:c31ff0fb-8c87-46f1-9f73-bff97b716098 | 333243 | site-v:2b19d55a-bab0-4e1d-b0d7-fbd57102ff5b | | SOIL_SUBSITE_OBSERVATIONS table |
attributeID | observationID | attributeLabel | attribute | result | resultType | resultUOM |
attr:0a136f74-516d-49da-bb3a-77e8e5fb51d2 | ob:8af13d30-8ee3-4fa3-bc8d-e0cc6356df41 | basal area factor | | 0.5 | | |
attr:9be4ad9e-91de-4d12-9937-02257a54bea7 | ob:953724dd-d261-4cc4-86cf-681f35546f02 | basal area factor | | 0.5 | | |
attr:9cb2e20b-0e93-456f-b2db-2512a046f9fb | ob:94c5653c-67ea-425f-9b2b-06a9b8a11bdb | basal area factor | | 0.25 | |
samplingID | samplingLocalID | featureID | sampleFeatureID | resultTime | comment | methodLabel | method | instrumentType | observer |
sampling:e6c10741-5d43-4b56-9882-cbab07843a8d | feat:33116297-980e-40f3-9b1a-52f4069f03c9 | 2015-04-25T15-30:50+00 | veg voucher | ||||||
sampling:a1b39135-dac8-42b1-9354-b4b558984eed | 0 | feat:dc9623f4-910a-4a7a-bd1d-ae440380eb5a | 2014-10-29T15-30:50+00 | soil sample for bulk density | |||||
sampling:00e6a144-8fd2-435e-bb5c-348961b4c11b | 120391 | feat:7f8b355b-087d-4276-a3d6-fab8e237d356 | 2014-10-29T15-30:50+00 | soil pit sample | |||||
sampling:9cfebe00-b171-469f-974a-2b3b56e6f172 | 333243 | feat:d32c8509-b53e-4e03-9bc4-d2d59246c94d | feat:c31ff0fb-8c87-46f1-9f73-bff97b716098 | 2014-10-29T15-30:50+00 | soil profile sample zero to ten cm |