Datasources (highest level) → have projects/datasets (maybe), subsets of a datasource, sort of equivalent of each other. → sites (lowest level)
All information in EcoPlots belongs to one of multiple datasources. To retrieve more details about the available datasources in EcoPlots, you should use the /datasources
Request example:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: apikey-v1 aAbBcC...xXyYzZ" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"query\":{}}"
Response example:
{ "dataset":"TERN Surveillance Monitoring", "datasetId":"", "description":"<p> AusPlots is a collection of ecological data and samples gathered from a network of plots and transects across Australia by the TERN Ecosystem Surveillance team, using standardised methodologies. </p> <p>The AusPlots collection provides the ecological infrastructure to: </p> <ul><li>quantify the richness and cover of plant species (including weeds); </li><li>quantify the diversity and abundance of soil biodiversity; </li><li>assess the state, spatial heterogeneity and structural complexity of vegetation, including life-stage; </li><li>record vegetation and soil parameters that assist with the validation of remotely sensed ecological products;</li><li>analyse vegetation structure and change based on a series of photo reference images; </li><li>better estimate soil carbon and nutrient stocks; </li><li>conduct taxonomic validation studies based on collected plant voucher specimens; </li><li>conduct DNA barcoding and population genetic profiling based on collected tissue samples. </li></ul> <p> Overall this information will progress understanding of ecosystem processes, structure and function, and more generally progress understanding of the response to disturbance and longer-term environmental change of rangeland ecosystems, which underpins sustainable management practice.</p>.", "abstract":"N/A", "version":"2023-04-19", "created":null, "creator":"TERN Surveillance Monitoring ", "creatorId":"", "publisher":"Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)", "publisherId":"", "spatial_extent_min_longitude":113.25800323486328, "spatial_extent_min_latitude":-42.09260177612305, "spatial_extent_max_longitude":152.89999389648438, "spatial_extent_max_latitude":-10.70300006866455 } ... { ... }
Information in EcoPlots may belong to a smaller datasets, part off the main datasource (also called project). To retrieve more details about the available datasets in EcoPlots, you can use the /datasets
Request example:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: apikey-v1 aAbBcC...xXyYzZ" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"query\":{}}"
Response example:
{ "project":"Biomass", "projectId":"", "dataset":"TERN Ecosystem Processes", "datasetId":"", "description":"The TERN Ecosystem Processes above-ground woody biomass Database contains diameter, height and above-ground woody biomass data collected across 15 TERN operated sites spanning 11 vegetation types such as: Mallee woodlands, Eucalypt forests and Rainforests. This database provides above-ground woody biomass values across multiple spatial scales: plant communities, plant individuals and individual stems.", "abstract":null, "version":null, "created":null, "creator":"TERN Ecosystem Processes", "creatorId":"", "publisher":"Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)", "publisherId":"", "spatial_extent_min_longitude":116.93900299072266, "spatial_extent_min_latitude":-43.09550094604492, "spatial_extent_max_longitude":153.08799743652344, "spatial_extent_max_latitude":-13.178999900817871 } ... { ... }
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