Type | Prefix | Namespace |
AusPlots site instances | site |
Object diagram
An object diagram overview of the below example data in Plot-X format for vegetation. It shows the relationships in the top-left corner between people, organisations and projects. The project has sites, and in the case of AusPlots Rangelands, it also has sub-sites to represent transects. Within these sites, multiple features of interest are identified. Observations and measurements are recorded. Within a site visit, a sampling event occurs, producing a vouchered plant specimen. Each entities have additional non-core attributes annotated with the Attribute entity.
An object diagram overview of the example data in Plot-X format for soil. It shows the relationships in the top-left corner between people, organisations and projects. The project has sites and site visits linking to features of interest.
Most of the features of interests were sampled by a Sampling (event).
orgID | name | contactPointPersonID | |
org:uni-of-adel | University of Adelaide | person:ben-sparrow | |
org:tern | TERN | person:beryl-morris |
siteID | siteLocalID | projectID | parentSiteID | siteType | dateCommissioned | dateDecommissioned | locationDescription | siteDescription | dimension | geometry | swPoint |
site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | SASMDD0002 | project:ausplots-rangelands | http://linked.data.gov.au/def/tern-cv/8cadf069-01d7-4420-b454-cae37740c2a2 | 2015-04-25 | Calperum Station. 9.3km north of homestead.24km north of Renmark | Swale in low dunefield. Very gentle slope to the north. Northern edge is just on the edge of dune slope. Fire- south east corner was burnt in January 2014. Rest of the site is long unburnt. Fire has come in 30m at the south east corner. Some scattered surface strew- limestone but low cover. Introduced plant effect is minimal- none noted. Homogeneity- community is contained to the plot at the moment due to effect of fire. Some Eucalyptus gracilis close to the road have been cut for timber but have long regenerated. | POLYGON((144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778, 144.70158888888886 -24.737247222222223, 144.70259166666665 -24.737241666666666, 144.7025861111111 -24.738152777777778, 144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778)) | POINT(144.70159166666664 -24.738152777777778) | |||
site:3ce78edb-f6c2-4be0-9583-96b3006b259c | project:ausplots-rangelands | site:aad2c094-ecfb-4494-8663-3ef6afded00a | http://linked.data.gov.au/def/tern-cv/de46fa49-d1c9-4bef-8462-d7ee5174e1e1 | 2015-04-25 | |||||||
site:f814eed3-bf8c-475f-afd5-3610f2ffb666 | SATFLB0026 | projects:ausplots-rangelands | http://linked.data.gov.au/def/tern-cv/8cadf069-01d7-4420-b454-cae37740c2a2 | 2014-10-29 | Ridgetop in Montacute Conservation Park, 17kms east of Adelaide. | Steep, Mountainous site. Long unburnt- some old scarring on trunks. Fire close by more recently ( over ridge top) Introduced plant effect is moderate- includes Senecio pterophorus, Genista monspessulana and Briza maxima. Rubus sp. also- more dense in south eastern corner in gully. 45-35 degree slope- varies somewhat through the site. Some boulders and outcrop- check soil sheet for lithology. Grazing effect- some from goats and deer. Tracks and scats within the site. | POINT(138.78705, -34.88775555555556) |