Information modelling work
Review the issues and PRs in GitHub for the TERN Ontology
Simon says: “(might need to think about a co-constraint between
and sub-classes oftern:Value
)”for example
is a class whose membership (extension) is the list of taxa, but might also be thought of as an individual of typetern:ObservableProperty
Refer to how the Yellow Book was encoded in RDF
Modelling deployment information of TERN phenology cameras (phenocams) within the TERN Ontology
Phenocams are Samplers in our case, not Sensors.
Samplers produce samples
Sensors produce observations
What do we consider an image produced by the phenocam?
We think it fits well with the shape of Sampler, Sample and further Observations on Features of Interest.
Documentation for technical users and implementors
Show the TERN Ontology SHACL constraints viewer and get feedback
Temporary URL: https://19f1-2406-3400-45d-7e00-e01d-81c2-c3b-4409.ngrok.io
A viewer will also allow us to redirect the class and property URIs to something on the web
Generated from the SHACL ontology - no need to manually keep in sync
Ask Simon for input and help on what technical documentation is required/useful for technical implementors of the exchange standard
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Action items
- Remove tern:Instrument
- Phenocams are tern:Samplers and not tern:Sensors