Search results are presented both on a map and as a list. Users have the option to disable the map if desired (toggle the map view button at the top of the map).
From this page (which users can also navigate to via Users can navigate to the Search Result page by selecting the “Search” menu (next to the Home button to return to the Home page), search on the TDDP menu). Search results can be refined by the various filters provided, free text search or via a combination of both filters and free text search. Further details on search options and using the search functions are provided on https://ternaus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ZAA5t. Search Results
To view the record for a search result, select the search result either on, or below the map and click on the View Metadata option. For records with larger descriptions, users can also select “Read more…” to view the full description of the record on the search results pagerecord details, users can click on a record title to see a shot summary, however, complete can be be viewed from selecting “read mode”. Users can select “View Metadata” to view the full record.
Selecting 'View Metadata' will open a new tab displaying the full record (metadata) details.
Users can then choose to access the data with the unique URLs provided on the page, in the ‘Access data' section. Please note see the data Rights and Licensing section on the page, as well as TERN’s Terms of Use when accessing data.