Use correct URI to display the group and party metadata
For historical data, the historical record id (database id) will be resolved to be able to find the correct record by using the new record id. Records indexed in Google, or used in older publications using the portal link, will resolve to the correct record.
Correct the display of the Release date
The standard Rights section is displayed for the records, where this is appropriate
Ensure the correct record is used when updating and selecting the “Viewed” and “Accessed” counts
The Data Quality sections shows the link to the Data Quality information, or the notes associated with the information.
Add Google Analytics for different environments
Improve page load times
Secure back end processes, like synchronisation request, with an environment specific api key
Show middle name initials in the Citation statement
Consolidate Elasticsearch to use 1 instance for all processes, indexing and admin processes
For historical records, the GCMD keywords are correctly indexed and displayed with the correct GCMD link
Correct display of the temporal facets to reflect the user’s selection of dates