\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
Meeting with Sally and Kim
growth stage - all the same
outcrop lithology and surface strew lithology are the same
growth form is the same across the modules
keep dominant growth form
habitat description - free text and is the same
voucher specimen - boolean
voucher specimen id - barcode or qrQR
plant tissue vouchering - call it plant tissue id
life stage - same across all modules
fauna - it’s referred to as age class
vegetation health - same across all modules
plant status - same across all modules
in-canopy sky - same across all modules
number of individuals - targeted survey and vertebrate fauna - same
recruitment module - sapling and seedling count - tally count system
plant height - across all modules
sex - same across all modules
plant species in flower - keep it as is
- Kim - send Edmond Chuc (Unlicensed) updated interventions module
- Junrong Yu - create GitHub issues for the missing content in the protocols
- Junrong Yu - Tick in the spreadsheet and mark off GitHub issues and notify Sally/Kim when it’s done
- Arun Singh Ramesh - finalise synonyms spreadsheet
- Arun Singh Ramesh - finish reviewing the synonyms - 2 modules left